When, in the opinion of Council, the treatment with road oil, calcium chloride, light coal tar products, light asphalt or suitable light bituminous substances for the purpose of laying the dust on and preserving the surface of any or all streets, alleys and public roadways, or part thereof, or of connecting or intersecting streets, alleys or public roadways, or parts thereof, will be of general benefit within the City, Council may, by resolution, declare such street, alley or public roadway, or the territory including such street, alley or public roadway, or part thereof, or intersecting or connecting streets, alleys or public roadways, or parts thereof, or all such streets, alleys or public roadways within the City, a district or districts within which such streets, alleys or public roadways or parts thereof shall be conditioned prior and subsequent to treatment with one of such substances within a period named in the resolution not to exceed one year. Such portion of the cost thereof as is deemed just by Council shall be assessed by the abutting foot on the property abutting the streets, alleys or public roadways so improved in such district and the remainder of such cost shall be paid by the City.
(Ord. 72-1968. Passed 5-13-68.)