(A)   The provisions of this section shall apply to all water main and sewer main extensions to areas within the city's utility system. This section shall in no event be applicable to main extensions within land development projects or failed subdivisions, even though accompanied by the erection of occasional houses within the areas. The requirements and procedures for main extensions within land development projects are to be set forth in the Crossville Regional Planning Commission Subdivision Regulations. The requirements and procedures for main extensions within failed subdivisions are located in the City of Crossville Policy for Water and Sewer Line Extension. All water and sewer main line extensions shall be reviewed by the Crossville Regional Planning Commission and their recommendation sent to City Council for approval. The City of Crossville and its Planning Commission reserve the right to require owners who are seeking annexation, planning approval, or both to execute an affidavit upon which the city and its Planning Commission may rely with regard to the owner's intended use of the real property, which is the subject of annexation or, as the case may be if not both, planning review.
   (B)   All water mains installed pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be of any material approved by the city engineers or State Department of Environment and Conservation, and shall be of not less than six inches in diameter, unless specified by city staff. All gravity sewer mains installed pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be of not less than eight inches in diameter and shall meet the specifications prescribed by the city. However, an appropriately sized low pressure sewer system of line may be installed when it is deemed to be in the best interest of the city for financial, geographical and/or other municipal considerations. The city will designate the size, type and/or brand or pump and line. (The requirements, procedures and specifications for low pressure sewer and grinder pump installation are set forth in § 18-132.) All water and sewer mains shall be installed either by municipal forces or by other forces working directly under the supervision of the city. The placement and relocation of water line must not be below four and one-half feet from finished grade level. The placement and relocation of gravity sewer lines will be at a grade level determined by city officials. The placement and relocation of low pressure and force main sewer lines will be at a minimum grade level of two feet and a maximum grade level of five feet. Final inspection by the city will be required following installation and before final hook-up.
   (C)   Installation and financial responsibility.
      (1)   Inside city limits.
         (a)   Single purpose use extensions. All utility main extensions for single purpose use (as defined in the City of Crossville Policy for Water and Sewer Line Extension) shall be installed by the city or a contractor, under the supervision of the city, and the customer will be responsible for all materials cost associated with the utility line extension project (as defined in the City of Crossville Policy for Water and Sewer Line Extension). The size of the line will be determined by city staff. However, for any line sized larger than is required in this section, the city will be responsible for the difference in the cost of materials.
         (b)   Multi-purpose use extensions. All utility main extensions for multi-purpose use (as defined in the City of Crossville Policy for Water and Sewer Line Extension) shall be installed by the city or a contractor, under the supervision of the city, and all costs of the project will be the responsibility of the developer or land owner. The size of the line will be determined by city staff. However, for any line sized larger than is required in this section, the city will be responsible for the difference in the cost of materials.
      (2)   Outside city limits. All utility main extensions for single or multi-purpose use (as defined in the City of Crossville Policy for Water and Sewer Line Extension) shall be installed by the city or a contractor, under the supervision of the city, and all costs of the project will be the responsibility of the developer or land owner. The size of the line will be determined by city staff. However, for any line sized larger than the minimum requirements needed for the land owner or developer, the city will pay the difference in the cost of materials.
      (3)   Property requesting annexation. Once a request for annexation has been received by the city, approved for annexation by the Planning Commission, and passed on final reading by the City Council, the property will be classified as inside city limits and any utility extensions that have been requested to it shall be done in accordance with § 18-107(C)(1). The timeframe for utility main extension shall be determined by the city and listed in the Plan of Services for the annexation. However, the City Council, at its sole discretion, may approve moving forward with sewer connections prior to final passage of the annexation ordinance.
      (4)   Sewer extension outside the city limits, but in an existing development.
         (a)   The City Council may elect to extend sewer services to an area or existing development that (1) is located outside the existing city limits, (2) is located within the city's Urban Growth Boundary, (3) is currently served by a public water utility, and (4) not served with a public sewer collection system. If all these conditions are met, the city may elect to extend sewer services upon review by staff, approval of Planning Commission, and final approval by the City Council.
         (b)   The city may recover all or a portion of the capital cost for the sewer service extension by establishing a Special Tap Fee (STF) for the specific project area. The STF will be calculated on a per parcel cost by dividing the total project cost, less grants, by the number of parcels in the proposed service area. Each property owner will pay the same amount for each lot.
         (c)   Definitions:
            EXISTING DEVELOPMENT. A subdivision or neighborhood over 20 years old that is substantially developed with housing, but without a public sewer collection system.
            GRANTS. Federal, state, local grants or contributions and will include any grants or costs to upgrade to a larger sewer line for the greater benefit of future expansion or need, i.e. upgrading from a required 2" low pressure sewer line to a preferred 4" low pressure sewer line.
            SPECIAL TAP FEE (STF). The amount of the cost to the property owner to tie on to the sewer line but does not include service charges, current sewer tap fee, electrical permits, grinder pumps, or other miscellaneous fees.
            TOTAL PROJECT COST. Includes engineering costs, project fees, permits, labor, equipment cost, and materials.
         (d)   All property owners will be required to pay the STF and all other associated fees prior to connection to the sewer line.
         (e)   Any property which would otherwise be subject to the STF, but already has sewer service from existing sewer line is exempt.
   (D)   Upon completion of the extensions and their approval by the city, the water and sewer mains shall become the property of the city. When excavated material is placed over a utility line and alters the depth beyond the maximum depth, the utility must be raised or otherwise relocated by the excavator and/or developer to the standards delineated above. The persons paying the cost of construction of the mains shall execute any written instruments requested by the city to provide evidence of the city's title to the mains. In consideration of such mains being transferred to it, the city shall incorporate the mains as an integral part of the city water system and sewer system and shall furnish water and sewer service therefrom in accordance with these rules and regulations, subject always to the limitations as may exist because of the size and elevation of the mains.
(1989 Code, § 18-107) (Ord. 1452, passed 8-20-2014; Ord. 1545, passed 7-11-2017)