On corner lots, there shall be no obstruction to vision between a height of two feet and a height of ten feet measured above the average elevation of the existing surfaces of the intersecting streets at their center lines, within the area formed by joining points on the property lines, measured as follows:
a. On property lines abutting streets 50 feet or less in right-of-way width, the points on the property lines shall be not less than 25 feet from the lot corner;
b. On property lines abutting streets more than 50 feet in right-of-way width, the points on the property lines shall be 50 feet from the lot corner; and
c. This restriction shall not apply to buildings in business districts.
(Prior Code, § 16.208)
Whenever there exists on any privately owned property, located at any street intersection, any tree, bush, shrubbery, plant, fence or other obstruction which obstructs the view of pedestrians or vehicular traffic, interferes with the safe and orderly movement of traffic or creates a dangerous condition, the owner or occupant of such property shall, within ten days after official written notice, remove such obstruction.
(S.C. Code § 5-7-80) (Prior Code, § 16.209)
a. It shall be unlawful for any merchant to display merchandise on the streets or sidewalks without approval by the Clerk/Treasurer.
b. The provisions of this section shall not be construed to prohibit sidewalk sales and displays by charitable, religious, educational or eleemosynary groups or organizations.
c. It shall be unlawful for any person to paint, write, inscribe, place, affix in any manner or display any advertising matter, inscriptions or devices on the streets or sidewalks or upon any property belonging to the town or to procure the same to be done.
d. Any person, firm or corporation who shall fail to comply with an order to remove said property shall be served an ordinance summons to appear before the Municipal Court, as provided in § 14.101 of this code.
e. Upon conviction, any person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to such fine as may be imposed by the Municipal Court.
(Prior Code, § 16.211)
a. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, or cause to be deposited any materials or decayed matter of any kind, so that it falls or flows upon any part of any street or sidewalk.
2. This section shall include dish or foul water from a pit, sink, pipe, gutter or drain leading to a public street.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to build, construct, erect or maintain a house or building of any description in such manner that rain water may flow from the roof, eaves, cornices, gutters or other part thereof, down any sidewalk or street so as to cause holes, depressions, unevenness, gullies or other defect or damage to such sidewalk or street.
(S.C. Code § 5-7-30) (Prior Code, § 16.212)
When required by the Council, every person owning any lot which drains toward a sidewalk shall provide such suitable and proper drainage under such sidewalk as will deliver the gutter and drainage water from such lot to the drainage system of the adjoining streets as required by law.
(S.C. Code § 5-7-30) (Prior Code, § 16.213)
It shall be unlawful for any person to break or destroy the curbing of any street, deface the same or to construct any entrance into property on any paved streets, unless such person shall have first obtained permission therefor from SCDOT.
(Prior Code, § 16.214)