While the obstructions provided for in this article remain on any street, sidewalk, highway or other public place, suitable safeguards by day and by night shall be maintained by the contractor, owner or person in charge of the work, for the protection of the public, by roping off, using lanterns and other proper means.
(Prior Code, § 16.202)
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to damage, mutilate or deface any public property within the corporate limits.
b. This section shall prohibit the erection of anything on public property, without the written consent of the Clerk/Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 16.203)
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit, discard, dump, sweep or place any oil, trash, garbage, slop or refuse matter of any kind onto streets or sidewalks.
b. This section shall apply to obstruction of any gutter, storm drain, ditch and the like.
(Prior Code, § 16.204)
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or place on any street or sidewalk any glass in any shape or form, tin cans, nails, brick, pieces of iron, sticks or any other substance likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle thereon.
(S.C. Code § 57-7-20) (Prior Code, § 16.206)
On corner lots, there shall be no obstruction to vision between a height of two feet and a height of ten feet measured above the average elevation of the existing surfaces of the intersecting streets at their center lines, within the area formed by joining points on the property lines, measured as follows:
a. On property lines abutting streets 50 feet or less in right-of-way width, the points on the property lines shall be not less than 25 feet from the lot corner;
b. On property lines abutting streets more than 50 feet in right-of-way width, the points on the property lines shall be 50 feet from the lot corner; and
c. This restriction shall not apply to buildings in business districts.
(Prior Code, § 16.208)