16.201 Obstructions; interference; vehicles; exceptions
16.202 Same; protection by barricades, lights
16.203 Damaging public property
16.204 Depositing on streets, sidewalks and drains prohibited
16.205 Burning on streets prohibited
16.206 Dangerous substances prohibited
16.207 Garbage, other solid waste, trash, offensive matter
16.208 Obstructions to vision at street intersections
16.209 Same; removal
16.210 Streetlights; breaking, removing
16.211 Sidewalks; merchandise; exceptions; advertising
16.212 Draining water, other liquids onto streets or sidewalks prohibited
16.213 Lots draining toward sidewalk
16.214 Curbs; breaking, destroying prohibited; permission required, entrance to property
16.215 Speaking, exhibiting, entertaining on streets; games
16.216 Gates and doors opening onto sidewalks
16.217 Obstruction of drains, ditches, watercourses and the like
16.218 Trees and shrubs on streets
16.219 Tree waste; removal
16.220 Fences; repairs
16.221 Camping on public property; unlawful
16.222 Appeals
Editor’s note:
This article derives from 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws and generally accepted municipal practices.