16.201 Obstructions; interference; vehicles; exceptions
16.202 Same; protection by barricades, lights
16.203 Damaging public property
16.204 Depositing on streets, sidewalks and drains prohibited
16.205 Burning on streets prohibited
16.206 Dangerous substances prohibited
16.207 Garbage, other solid waste, trash, offensive matter
16.208 Obstructions to vision at street intersections
16.209 Same; removal
16.210 Streetlights; breaking, removing
16.211 Sidewalks; merchandise; exceptions; advertising
16.212 Draining water, other liquids onto streets or sidewalks prohibited
16.213 Lots draining toward sidewalk
16.214 Curbs; breaking, destroying prohibited; permission required, entrance to property
16.215 Speaking, exhibiting, entertaining on streets; games
16.216 Gates and doors opening onto sidewalks
16.217 Obstruction of drains, ditches, watercourses and the like
16.218 Trees and shrubs on streets
16.219 Tree waste; removal
16.220 Fences; repairs
16.221 Camping on public property; unlawful
16.222 Appeals
Editor’s note:
This article derives from 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws and generally accepted municipal practices.
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with, blockade or obstruct any pavements, walks, streets or paths in the town by placing or allowing to remain thereon any obstruction whatsoever in any manner as to create a hazard.
b. It shall be unlawful for any person to place any obstruction upon or cause to be obstructed in any manner any street, sidewalk or public way or part thereof, so as to render the passage of persons, vehicles or other travel thereon difficult, inconvenient, dangerous or impossible.
c. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or blockade any street, highway, public road or traveled place, or any part thereof, by placing or allowing to remain thereon any vehicle not in actual or immediate use, or any other article. This shall include building materials or any other obstruction whatsoever; provided that nothing herein contained shall deprive any person who may be in the process of construction, of the use of a number of feet, not exceeding 20 feet.
d. Any person building a house or other structure within the town may obtain from the Clerk/Treasurer permission for a partial and temporary use of the streets for said building purposes.
e. No permission shall be granted for the placing of a permanent obstruction on any street, highway or other public place.
f. Any obstruction placed on any street, sidewalk or highway in violation of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor.
g. This section shall not apply to any employee of the municipality, county, state or public utility while such employee is immediately and actively engaged in the maintenance, improvement or construction of a street, sidewalk, public way or utilities.
h. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any vehicle or other article dangerous to the public safety upon the public streets of the town at night, or to make or cause to be made any unreasonable or dangerous obstruction upon the public streets thereof; provided, however, that any person building houses or other structures within the town shall obtain from the Town Clerk written permission for a partial and temporary use of the public streets for building purposes.
(Prior Code, § 16.201)
Advertising prohibitions, see § 16.211.c
While the obstructions provided for in this article remain on any street, sidewalk, highway or other public place, suitable safeguards by day and by night shall be maintained by the contractor, owner or person in charge of the work, for the protection of the public, by roping off, using lanterns and other proper means.
(Prior Code, § 16.202)
a. It shall be unlawful for any person to damage, mutilate or deface any public property within the corporate limits.
b. This section shall prohibit the erection of anything on public property, without the written consent of the Clerk/Treasurer.
(Prior Code, § 16.203)