13.101 Composition; appointment; oath of office
13.102 Chief of Police; authority
13.103 Functions
13.104 Special police officers
13.105 Mutual aid absent emergencies
13.106 Powers; generally
13.107 Bonds and fines
13.108 Same; bail money
13.109 Surety bond
13.110 Compensation
13.111 Uniforms; exceptions
13.112 Property to be returned
13.113 Streets; jurisdiction
13.114 Same; observation of conditions
13.115 Temporary transfer of law enforcement officers; written agreement; compensation; bond
13.116 Emergencies; other political subdivisions; assistance
13.117 Personal property; recovered
13.118 Take home vehicles
Editor’s note:
State law (S.C. Code § 5-7-260) authorizes a municipal governing body to establish, alter or abolish any department by ordinance.
a. The Police Department shall consist of a Chief of Police, who shall be appointed by the Mayor.
b. The Mayor shall appoint such other officers and employees as may be required.
c. Before entering upon the duties of his or her office, each police officer shall take and subscribe to an oath that he or she will support the constitution and laws of the state and the Constitution of the United States.
(Prior Code, § 13.101)
As to oath, see § 2.108
a. The Chief of Police, subject to the Mayor, shall have administrative supervision over the Police Department.
b. He or she shall be responsible for the enforcement of state laws and town ordinances, protection of life and property, preservation of law and order, investigation of crimes and suppression of vice.
c. The Chief shall direct the proper assignment of police officers, establish training programs, maintain adequate records, provide traffic control and enforcement, cooperate with other law enforcement agencies, establish departmental rules and regulations, and be responsible for the custody of town prisoners.
d. The Chief and police officers are given the same authority over lands owned by the town or leased to the town beyond the town limits as they have within the town.
e. He or she shall perform such additional duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Mayor.
(Prior Code, § 13.102)