International Property Maintenance Code
151.01 International Property Maintenance Code adopted
151.02 Insertions
151.03 Amendments
151.10 Prohibition
151.11 Notice to abate
151.12 Abatement by city
Junk Vehicles and Junkyards
151.20 Definitions
151.21 Repair work on motor vehicles within residential districts of the city
151.22 Storage of unlicensed, nonoperative, unfit, and abandoned motor vehicles
151.23 Exceptions and exemptions
151.24 Authority of code enforcement officer or designee
151.25 Lien on abandoned motor vehicles for towing and storage charges
151.26 Reclamation of abandoned motor vehicles
151.27 Junkyards to have suitable screen
151.28 Effect on Traffic Code (Title VII)
Code Enforcement Board
151.40 Definitions
151.41 Creation and membership
151.42 Enforcement powers
151.43 Appointment of members; term of office; removal from office; oath; compensation
151.44 Organization of Board; meetings; quorum
151.45 Conflict of interest
151.46 Powers of the Code Enforcement Board
151.47 Enforcement proceedings
151.48 Hearing; notice; and final order
151.49 Presentation of cases
151.50 Appeals; final judgment
Fines and Liens
151.60 Schedule of civil fines
151.61 Lien; fines, charges, and fees
151.62 Lienholder notification system
151.63 Liens
151.64 Immediate action
151.65 Transfer of ownership
There is hereby adopted the International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) and all amendments thereto and subsequent editions thereof, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., which code shall be in full force and effect as if set out fully herein. A copy of such code shall be kept on file in the City Clerk’s office. A height not to exceed ten (10) inches is hereby set for IPMC Section 302.4 Weeds.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
(A) Section 101.1: City of Corydon shall be inserted replacing [NAME OF JURISDICTION].
(B) Section 302.4: 10” shall be inserted, replacing [JURISDICTION TO INSERT HEIGHT IN INCHES].
(C) Section 304.14: January 1 shall be inserted in the first [DATE] space and December 31 shall be inserted in the second [DATE] space.
(D) Section 602.3: January 1 shall be inserted in the first [DATE] space and December 31 shall be inserted in the second [DATE] space.
(E) Section 602.4: January 1 shall be inserted in the first [DATE] space and December 31 shall be inserted in the second [DATE] space.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
(A) The term “code official” shall be replaced with the term “code enforcement officer” in all instances within the code and shall have the meaning as set forth in § 151.40
(B) Section 103 subsection 103.5 entitled “Fees” shall be repealed and replaced with new subsection 103.5 and shall read as follows:
(C) Section 106 including subsections 106.1 , 106.2, 106.3, 106.4, and 106.5 are hereby repealed as all violations and penalties arising as a result of the sections and provisions set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code shall be governed as set forth in §§ 151.40
through 151.50
and 151.60
through 151.65
(D) Section 107 including subsections 107.1 , 107.2, 107.3, 107.4, 107.5 and 107.6 are hereby repealed as all notices and orders arising as a result of the sections and provisions set forth in the International Property Maintenance Code shall be governed as set forth in §§ 151.40
through 151.50
and 151.60
through 151.65
(E) Section 108 subsection 108.4 subpart 108.4.1 entitled “Placard removal” shall be repealed and replaced with new subpart 108.4.1 and shall read as follows:
108.4.1 Placard removal. The code enforcement officer shall remove the condemnation placard whenever the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and placarding action were based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or removes a condemnation placard without the approval of the code enforcement officer shall be subject to fees as set forth in §§ 151.60
through 151.65
(G) Section 111 including, but not limited to, subsections 111.1, 111.2, 111.3, 111.4, 111.5, 111.6, 111.7, and 111.8 and any subsection of each shall be completely repealed in their entirety.
(H) Section 112 subsection 112.4 entitled “Failure to comply” shall be repealed and replaced with new subsection 112.4 and shall read as follows:
(J) Section 304 subsection 304.3 entitled “Premises identification” shall be repealed and replaced with new subsection 304.3 and shall read as follows:
304.3 Premises identification. Building and house numbers or letters shall meet the following requirements:
(a) Minimum three (3) inches in height,
(b) Shall be of contrasting colors to the building,
(c) Numbers shall be highly visible from the street or driveway on the front of the building.
(K) Section 308 subsection 308.2 subpart 308.2.2 entitled “Refrigerators” shall be repealed and replaced with new subpart 308.2.2 entitled “Appliances” and shall read as follows:
308.2.2 Appliances. Appliances shall not be kept, stored or used in any exterior area where the appliances are accessible to the general public and may be considered a hazard or a nuisance. Appliances shall mean any unit, or part thereof, of machinery, furniture or equipment. Including but not limited to stoves, refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, television sets, beds, mattresses, lamps or tools. Exception to this would be a properly installed kitchen area in an outside area located at the side or rear of a residence.
(L) Section 303 Swimming Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs subsection 303.2 Enclosures shall be repealed and will be covered by the Kentucky Residential Building Code, Appendix G.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)