   Any motor vehicle or machinery junkyard, located within the corporate limits of the city, and along any right-of-way or street therein shall be screened from the view of persons traveling along the right-of-way or street by means of a fence, shrubs, trees or other natural foliage. The person acting as operator of such motor vehicle or machinery junkyard shall be responsible for the erection and maintenance of the screen directed by this section.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   This subchapter is not intended to amend, repeal or replace any portion of the Traffic Code, codified at Title VII of the City of Corydon Code of Ordinances.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
   “ABATEMENT COSTS.” A city’s necessary and reasonable costs for and associated with clearing, preventing unauthorized entry to, or demolishing all or a portion of a structure or premises, or taking any other action with regard to a structure or premises necessary to remedy a violation and to maintain and preserve the public health, safety and welfare in accordance with any city ordinance.
   “CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD.” An administrative body created and acting under the authority of the Local Government Code Enforcement Board Act, KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839.
   “CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.” The City Clerk, County Codes Administrator, or other person designated by the Mayor with the authority to issue a citation for violation of any city ordinance.
   “FINAL ORDER.” Any order:
      (1)   Issued by the Code Enforcement Board following a hearing in
accordance with § 151.48 ;
      (2)   Created because a violator neither paid nor contested the citation within ten (10) days as provided in this subchapter; or
      (3)   Created because a violator failed to appear at a hearing the violator requested to contest the citation as provided in this subchapter.
   “IMMINENT DANGER.” A condition which is likely to cause serious or lifethreatening injury or death at any time.
   “ORDINANCE.” An official action of the local government body, which is a regulation of a general and permanent nature and enforceable as a local law and shall include any provision of a code of ordinances adopted by the city legislative body which embodies all or part of an ordinance.
   “OWNER.” A person, association, corporation, partnership or other legal entity having a legal or equitable title in real property.
   “PREMISES.” A lot, plot or parcel of land, including any structures upon it.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   There is hereby created within the city pursuant to KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839, a Code Enforcement Board which shall be composed of five members, all of whom shall be residents of the city for a period of at least one year prior to their appointment and shall reside there throughout the term in office.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   (A)   The Code Enforcement Board shall have the power to issue remedial orders and impose civil fines as a method of enforcing city ordinances when a violation of the ordinance has been classified as a civil offense.
   (B)   The Code Enforcement Board shall not have the authority to enforce any ordinance regulating conduct which would also, under any provision of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, constitute a criminal offense or a moving motor vehicle offense.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   (A)   Members of the Code Enforcement Board shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the City Council.
   (B)   The initial appointment to the Code Enforcement Board shall be as follows:
      (1)   One member of the Board shall be appointed for a term of one year;
      (2)   One member of the Board shall be appointed for a term of two years; and
      (3)   One (1) member of the Board shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years.
   (C)   All subsequent appointments shall be for a term of three years. A member may be reappointed, subject to the approval of the City Council.
   (D)   Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the Mayor, subject to approval of the City Council, within 60 days of the vacancy. If the vacancy is not filled within that time period, the remaining Code Enforcement Board members shall fill the vacancy. A vacancy shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
   (E)   A Board member may be removed from office by the Mayor for misconduct, inefficiency, or willful neglect of duty. The Mayor shall submit a written statement to the member and the City Council setting forth the reasons for removal. The member so removed shall have the right of appeal to the Henderson Circuit Court.
   (F)   All members of the Code Enforcement Board shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, take the oath of office prescribed by Section 228 of the Kentucky Constitution.
   (G)   Members of the Code Enforcement Board shall be reimbursed for actual expenses and compensated in the amount of $50 per meeting.
   (H)   No member of the Code Enforcement Board shall hold any elected or nonelected office, paid or unpaid, or any position of employment with the city.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)
   (A)   The Code Enforcement Board shall annually elect a chair from among its members. The chair shall be the presiding officer and a full voting member of the Board. In the absence of the chair, the remaining members of the Board shall select a member to preside in place of and exercise the powers of the chair.
   (B)   Regular meetings of the Code Enforcement Board shall be held on the fourth Monday of every month. Meetings other than those regularly scheduled shall be special meetings or emergency meetings held in accordance with the requirements of the Kentucky Open Meetings Act.
   (C)   All meetings and hearings of the Code Enforcement Board shall be public meetings held in accordance with the requirements of KRS 65.8815(5) and the Kentucky Open Meetings Act.
   (D)   The presence of at least a majority of the Board’s entire membership shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum of the Board shall be necessary for any official action to be taken.
   (E)   Action minutes shall be kept for all proceedings of the Code Enforcement Board and the vote of any member on any issue decided by the Board shall be recorded in the minutes.
(Ord. 2020.03, passed 8-21-20)