Itinerant Vendor
705.01   Purpose.
705.02   Definitions.
705.03   Permit required.
705.04   Fees, deposits and bonds required.
705.05   Exemptions.
705.06   Investigation and issuance or notice of denial.
705.07   Expiration of permit.
705.08   Revocation of permit; appeal.
705.09   Display of permit.
705.10   Hours of business.
705.11   Sales from a vehicle.
705.12   Special regulations for itinerant vendor businesses.
705.13   Enforcement.
705.14   Prohibited acts by solicitors or charitable solicitors.
705.99   Penalty.
         Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.64
         Littering - see GEN. OFF. 521.08
705.01 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter shall be to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City of Conneaut by regulating solicitors, door-to-door salesmen, roadside stands, and other temporary businesses. (Ord. 55-16. Passed 6-27-16.)
   (a)    "Solicitor" or "door-to-door salesman" shall mean any person who sells or offers for sale by any verbal means, any goods, wares, merchandise, or services by traveling about the City in any districts as defined by the Zoning Code.
   (b)    "Charitable Solicitor" shall mean any person who requests donations, contributions, gifts, endorsements, signatures, or other valuable considerations or distributes flyers, books, information, or other objects in behalf of a bona-fide tax-exempt organization by traveling about the City in any districts as defined by the Zoning Code. "Charitable or political solicitor" shall include persons promoting religious organizations or beliefs.
   (c)    "Itinerant Vendor" and "Temporary business" shall mean any place at which goods, wares, merchandise, or services are sold or offered for sale, other than from a permanent structure duly approved for such use; and further means roadside stands and locations established within buildings and enclosed malls, such as tables or booths, including those erected for special events and shows, at which goods, wares, merchandise, or services are sold or offered for sale or advertised.
   (d)    "Responsible official" shall mean the City Manager or his designee in reference to Solicitor's Permits.
(Ord. 55-16. Passed 6-27-16.)