§ 1046.02 SCOPE.
   The scope of this chapter is to establish the criteria for the use of the water system.
(Ord. 2100.05, passed 8-27-1984)
   Where there appears to be, or there is in fact, a conflict between this chapter and Chapter 1, General Provisions, the chapter providing the more stringent requirement, standard, or procedure shall govern.
(Ord. 2100.05, passed 8-27-1984)
§ 1046.04 DEFINITIONS.
   The definition of Chapter 1 shall be used in this chapter unless the context of any section of this chapter specifically indicates that such definitions are not applicable.
(Ord. 2100.05, passed 8-27-1984)
   No person shall connect any pipe or conduit which directly or indirectly connects the village water system to:
   (a)   Any pipe or conduit containing, or intended to contain any liquid or material that would be or could be injurious to the customer’s health or welfare, injurious to the water system, or contaminate the water provided by the village;
   (b)   Any private well system or other private source of water, or any system of liquid conveyance such as sewer drains or tiles;
   (c)   Any pond, lake, pool, or any devices therein, without village approved backflow protection; or
   (d)   Any system that serves buildings other than the buildings for which the service was obtained.
(Ord. 2100.05, passed 8-27-1984)
   (a)   Each customer of the water system shall protect the portion of the system on their premises from damage or contamination.
   (b)   Any person in charge of or responsible for a process, use or activity that causes or produces damage, or adds compounds, elements or materials to the water, or otherwise contaminates the water in the village water system shall immediately notify the village.
   (c)   Such notification will not relieve the responsible person of liability for any consequential expense, loss or damage to the water system, or injury or disease to person(s) using the water service.
(Ord. 2100.05, passed 8-27-1984)