Any person other than a water conditioning contractor or master or journeyman plumber desiring to engage in the occupation of a water conditioning installer must take an examination and obtain a license from the Community Development Department and be employed by a water conditioning contractor.
(Prior Code, § 150.070) Penalty, see § 150.999
All applications for water conditioning licenses shall be filed with the Board and shall contain the following information:
(A) The name, residence and business address of the applicant;
(B) The trade name used by the applicant or the applicant’s employer;
(C) Name of persons acquainted with the applicant’s qualifications;
(D) Qualifications possessed by the applicant; and
(E) Additional relevant information requested by the Board.
(Prior Code, § 150.071)
The Board shall, prior to issuing any license under this subchapter, examine the applicant as to the applicant’s technical knowledge and ability to install water conditioning appliances and the applicant’s knowledge of water supply piping and fitting as relates to the installation of a water conditioning appliance. The examination shall not include the applicant’s knowledge of plumbing, house drainage, ventilation or sanitation to the extent required to meet the standards applied in licensing master plumbers or journeyman plumbers. The examination shall be given at the same time as the regularly scheduled master and journeyman examinations are given.
(Prior Code, § 150.072)
In case any applicant for a license to install a water conditioning appliance shall be denied for failure to pass an examination satisfactory to the Chief Building and Code Official, the applicant may take another examination any time after the expiration of 30 days. Denial for failure to pass an examination satisfactory to the Chief Building and Code Official, the second time, the person may take an examination at the next regularly scheduled time.
(Prior Code, § 150.073)
All licenses issued hereunder shall expire on April 30 of each year, and the licenses shall not be transferable.
(Prior Code, § 150.075) Penalty, see § 150.999
Licenses may be revoked or suspended after hearing by the City Council for the following reasons:
(A) Failure to comply with this subchapter and any rules issued by the Community Development Department hereunder;
(B) Abandonment of any contract or undertaking without good cause of fraudulent departure from plans or specifications; or
(C) Failure to obtain or cause to be obtained permits when same are required by this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.076) Penalty, see § 150.999