   Any discharge of stormwater, groundwater, pond overflow, well water or water from residential, industrial or commercial air conditioning systems from a sump pump system shall discharge onto the resident’s own property or city street. In no event shall any outlet from a sump pump system discharge water onto another person’s property or in a manner as to cause it to go upon another person’s property or allow it to discharge into the city’s sanitary sewer system. The discharge from a sump pump shall not be cut into the curb or gutter on any street or alley without first obtaining written approval by the Chief Building and Code Official. Any alternation of a curb or gutter without written approval will result in the city repairing the curb or gutter to its original condition and assessing the associated cost against the property owner. The discharge line from the sump pump shall be of rigid construction, without valves or quick connectors for altering the path of the discharge. It shall be unlawful for any person to allow any other fluids to flow into or upon any public thoroughfare from that person’s home, property or from any vehicle or vessel. Under no circumstances will sanitary sewer-contaminated water be permitted to discharge to the city street.
(Prior Code, § 150.052) (Ord. 02-64, passed 11-18-2002; Ord. 11-09, passed 3-21-2011; Ord. 15-28, passed 1-18-2016) Penalty, see § 150.999
   All connections made to a water supply system which is not connected to the drainage system for the purpose of installing, replacing or relocating a water conditioning appliance, as defined in § 150.061 of this code, shall be made in conformance with the provisions of this subchapter.
(Prior Code, § 150.065) Penalty, see § 150.999
§ 150.061 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONNECTED TO A WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. This term shall not be considered to include connections to existing faucets.
   WATER CONDITIONING APPLIANCE. Apparatus and equipment which is designed to soften or filter or change the mineral content of water where the apparatus and equipment are connected to a water supply system and are not connected to the drainage system.
(Prior Code, § 150.066)
   The City Council shall be the Examining Board and shall be referred to hereafter as the “Board.”
(Prior Code, § 150.067)
   No person shall install, replace or relocate a water conditioning appliance without first having obtained the necessary license and permit from the city’s Community Development Department to do so. However, a master plumber and a journeyman plumber licensed in accordance with the ordinances of the city may perform the work without securing an additional license.
(Prior Code, § 150.068) Penalty, see § 150.999