   (A)   The City Clerk shall have the duties and powers as provided by the laws of the state. This individual shall also carry out other duties assigned in the city job description for this position.
   (B)   The Assistant City Clerk shall have all those powers and responsibilities of the City Clerk as permitted by law. However, the Assistant City Clerk shall only exercise those powers as designated by the City Clerk in the City Clerk’s absence. The Assistant City Clerk shall report directly to the City Clerk.
(Prior Code, § 31.026) (Ord. 92-66, passed 12-21-1992)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of City Clerk-Assistant Finance Director, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 16-317
   The City Engineer shall have the duties and powers as provided by the laws of the state. This individual shall also carry out other duties assigned in the city job description for this position.
(Prior Code, § 31.040) (Ord. 2976, passed 4-2-1984)
Statutory reference:
   Duties of City Engineer, see Neb. Rev. Stat. § 16-320
   The City Physician shall perform such duties as prescribed by state statute, be a member of the Board of Health and perform the duties devolving upon the City Physician as the medical advisor of the Board.
(Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 17-121, 17-208) (Prior Code, § 31.055)
Statutory reference:
   Similar state law, see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 16-238, 16-308
   The office of City Administrator is established as provided by law, and that officer shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of a majority of the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 31.065) (Ord. 2413, passed 8-20-1975)
   The duties, responsibilities and powers of the Administrator shall be as follows:
   (A)   To administer, supervise, be responsible for and coordinate all departments, divisions and services of the city government which are under the control and jurisdiction of the Mayor and City Council as provided by law, specifically including civil service laws. However, the office of City Physician shall not come under the administration and supervision or be the responsibility of the Administrator, although the Administrator shall be available to and shall assist the office in any administrative matter that may arise, and the office shall be available to and shall assist the Administrator in the discharge of the duties, responsibilities and powers of the Administrator as set forth in this subchapter;
   (B)   To keep the Mayor and City Council fully advised as to the financial condition and needs of the city, to be responsible for and prepare the annual estimate of expenditures for presentation to the Mayor and City Council prior to the time for the passage and adoption of the annual appropriation ordinance and upon the adoption of the ordinance to properly administer and execute the same;
   (C)   To serve as public relations officer of the city government, to endeavor to investigate and adjust all complaints made or filed against the city government or against any department, division, service, officer or employee thereof and to cooperate with all community organizations whose aim and purpose is to advance the best interests of the city and its citizens;
   (D)   To analyze the functions, activities, duties and responsibilities of the various departments, divisions and services of the city government and of all officers and employees thereof, to make recommendations respecting the same to the Mayor and City Council and to administer any recommendations made by the Mayor and City Council respecting such functions, activities, duties and responsibilities;
   (E)   To recommend to the Mayor and City Council the appointment and dismissal of all department heads and supervisors over which the Mayor and City Council exercise such jurisdiction and control as provided by law, to appoint and dismiss all subordinate employees of the city over which the Mayor and City Council exercise such jurisdiction and control as provided by law at such compensation as may be fixed or authorized by the Mayor and City Council and to provide for and order the transfer of the subordinate employees from one department, division or service to another, except those employees covered under the civil service laws of the state;
   (F)   To make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the activities and duties of any employee of the city covered under the civil service laws of the state including the promotion, demotion, suspension or discharge of the employee;
   (G)   To prepare and recommend to the Mayor and City Council a position classification and compensation plan respecting city officers and employees and to prepare and submit to the Mayor and City Council, at the end of each fiscal year, a complete report respecting the finances and administrative activities of the city for the preceding fiscal year, which report shall include recommended short and long range improvements and any necessary facts to substantiate the recommendations;
   (H)   To attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the City Council and such other meetings of the City Council and city departments, divisions, services, boards, commissions, committees and officers as the Administrator’s duties may require, to report at such meetings any matter concerning city affairs within the jurisdiction and under the control of the Administrator and to recommend to the Mayor and City Council for passage and adoption such measures, resolutions and ordinances which may be deemed necessary or expedient;
   (I)   To exercise general supervision and control over all real and personal property and other public property under the control and jurisdiction of the Mayor and City Council;
   (J)   To properly manage the affairs of the city and any department, division or service thereof and any contract or obligation running to the city; and
   (K)   To perform such other duties and exercise such other powers as may be delegated to the Administrator from time to time by ordinance or resolution and to delegate any duty, responsibility or power set forth herein upon approval of the Mayor and City Council by proper ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 31.066) (Ord. 2413, passed 8-20-1975)