   Applications for permits to connect, tap, construct, modify or make attachments to public water shall be made to the Director of Public Works, City Engineer or Chief Building and Code Inspector. A fee, as set by resolution, to cover the cost of inspection, recording and other expenses shall accompany such applications. The application shall show the exact location of the proposed work, and when requested by the Director of Public Works or Chief Building and Code Inspector, the plumber shall provide plans or specifications of the proposed work. When required, an application shall be on file with the Director of Public Works or Chief Building and Code Inspector 24 hours before issuance of permit. If work is commenced prior to application for the permit, a fee as set by resolution, will be assessed. Each permit shall expire six months from date of issuance.
(Prior Code, § 52.020) (Ord. 3060, passed 10-7-1985; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 52.999
   The owners of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes situated within the city and whose property line is within 300 feet of the public water supply is hereby required, at the owner’s expense, to connect the facilities directly with the proper public water supply within one year from the date the public water supply system is constructed.
(Prior Code, § 52.021) Penalty, see § 52.999
   (A)   Consumers and plumbers are prohibited from turning the water into any service pipe except on the order of the Director of Public Works; provided, that this rule shall not be construed to prevent licensed plumbers from admitting water to test pipes, but for that purpose only. The Director of Public Works shall not order water to be supplied into any house or service pipe, whether new or existing construction, until the water system to be served has been inspected and approved by the Chief Building and Code Inspector or that official’s designated representative.
   (B)   Whenever a consumer of city water requests that the water lines be turned on or turned off, the water shall be turned off from the building. Further, the water request shall not be turned on again except by order of the Director of Public Works and upon payment of a sum as set by resolution for the turning on or turning off of the water as such is applicable and upon such other terms. Failure to pay the same shall result, at the discretion of the city, in the shutting off of the water on any property or building for nonpayment of these fees.
(Prior Code, § 52.022) (Ord. 3060, passed 10-7-1985; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 52.999
   Any person using city water is prohibited from opening any hydrant, tap or other connection of any description during the progress of any fire within the city, and it is hereby made the duty of all customers, upon the sounding of the fire siren, to immediately close and keep closed all water taps until the fire shall have been extinguished.
(Prior Code, § 52.023) (Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 52.999
   The City Council or Director of Public Works may order a reduction in the use of water or shut off the water on any premises in the event of a water shortage due to fire or other good and sufficient cause. The city shall not be liable for any damages caused by shutting off the supply of water of any customer while the system or any part thereof is undergoing repairs or when there is a shortage of water due to circumstances over which the city has no control.
(Prior Code, § 52.024) (Ord. 3060, passed 10-7-1985; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003)
   Any person, other than members of the Fire Department, drawing water from the waterworks system of the city or any fire hydrant shall draw the water only from a location which is provided with a backflow preventer or vacuum breaker, which backflow preventer or vacuum breaker shall be approved by the Chief Building and Code Inspector. Any person drawing water from a location not provided with a backflow preventer or vacuum breaker shall be in violation of this section and shall be subject to the penalty provided in § 52.999.
(Prior Code, § 52.025) (Ord. 3060, passed 10-7-1985; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 52.999
   Owners of premises and customers shall be required to install and maintain, at their cost, all service lines from the public water main to the customer’s meter. Any cost that the city may incur in repairing the service lines, including, but not limited to replacement of street surfacing, replacement of sod, cost of labor and materials and all other costs reasonably incurred in the repairing of the service lines shall be promptly remitted to the city by the property owner customer, or both the property owner and customer. Upon a water service line leaking, the city shall send to the property owner, by next day priority mail, a certified letter providing that the property owner shall have 24 hours to repair the line, and if not repaired within the 24-hour period, the city shall cause the line to be repaired with the costs of time, material and water loss billed to the property owner.
(Prior Code, § 52.026) (Ord. 95-05, passed 1-16-1995; Ord. 03-40, passed 11-17-2003) Penalty, see § 52.999
   All abandoned service lines must be terminated and capped at the tap on the main water line.
(Prior Code, § 52.027) Penalty, see § 52.999