The monthly amount of pollutants subject to the surcharge will be based on the average loading per facility operating day, in excess of 250 mg/l for BOD5 or suspended solids, in excess of 100 mg/l for biodegradable oils and grease, in excess of 30 mg/l for ammonia, in excess of zero (0) mg/l for hydrogen sulfide, times the number of operating days per month.
(Prior Code, § 51.156)
(A) The industrial waste surcharge to be assessed each month will be determined by application of the rates then in effect.
(B) The surcharge amount shall be determined by calculating the average number of pollutant pounds per operating day based on the average of periodic grab or composite samples obtained and tested as described in § 51.141.
(C) In computing the surcharge amount, no credit will be allowed because pollutant strength is less than that allowed in normal strength wastewater.
(Prior Code, § 51.157)
(Prior Code, § 51.159) Penalty, see § 51.999
(A) The Director of Public Works may classify certain commercial and industrial establishments, which routinely discharge BOD5, and suspended solids concentrations exceeding those established for normal strength wastewater, into the following classes:
(1) Eating establishments. Includes restaurants, bars, lounges and other establishments, which engage in the preparation of food or beverage, which is served directly to the customer;
(2) Food and kindred products processing. Includes commercial establishments which engage in the preparation, packaging, processing or distribution of food, food products, grains or produce and which discharge less than 200,000 gallons of wastes per month; and
(3) Equipment service facilities. Includes establishments, which perform washing, cleaning or servicing of automobiles, trucks, buses, machinery or equipment; this class to include public facilities, facilities limited to specific companies and attended or coin-operated establishments.
(B) The Director of Public Works shall assess an industrial waste surcharge for each class based on waste strength determinations established by averaging grab, composite samples or both, taken from a representative number of establishments in each class and shall apply this surcharge to the water consumption or metered wastewater of the establishment. If the establishment is within a larger facility for which water usage is determined from a master meter, the Director of Public Works shall determine an estimated volume for the establishment on which the surcharge is applied. The Director of Public Works shall then add the appropriate industrial surcharge to billings for regular water and sanitary sewer service for each establishment included in one of the classes.
(C) If an establishment contains operations from more than one of the classes, and the Director of Public Works determines that the surcharge for a particular class would not adequately compensate the city for its cost of treatment, the Director of Public Works may assess a surcharge based on a proportional average of the class surcharges involved, or may require the establishment to be billed under the requirements of § 51.157.
(D) The owner of an establishment classified into one of the classes may elect to have the industrial surcharge billed under § 51.157, rather than this section, by making application to the Director of Public Works and paying the required sampling costs.
(E) The Director of Public Works may revise the class surcharges in the future to reflect a change in the average strength of the wastes discharged or to reflect a change in the costs to treat these wastes.
(Prior Code, § 51.160)
(A) A property owner who desires to reserve a portion of the design capacity of the sanitary sewer system or wastewater treatment facility may enter into a contract as approved by the City Council. The contract shall contain a provision stating that an annual amount, representing the person’s proportionate share of the city’s net annual capital investment cost in the facilities reserved, shall be paid by the person signing the contract.
(B) The contract shall also contain a provision that if the person’s average daily flow varies more than 20% on a yearly basis, either party may open the contract for renegotiation of the minimum payment.
(Prior Code, § 51.161) (Ord. 03-39, passed 11-17-2003; Ord. 05-13, passed 3-7-2005)
The Mayor and City Council hereby find and determine: This city has constructed and owns and operates a sewerage system and plant for the treatment, purification and disposal in a sanitary manner of the liquid and solid wastes, sewage and night soil of such community and it is necessary, in order to protect the health of the inhabitants of the city and to comply with the law of the state and the requirements of the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy that the sewerage system be operated and maintained; that in order to provide the revenues to operate and maintain the sewer system and disposal plant and to create a reserve fund for the purpose of future maintenance, it is necessary that the city establish just and equitable rates and charges to be paid to the city for the use of such disposal plant and sewerage system by each person whose premises are served thereby.
(Prior Code, § 51.175)