(a)   Except as stipulated in § 1042.17, no person shall be permitted to use water from the water system, except through a meter obtained from the municipality, as provided in this section, and sealed by the Division of Water and Sewer. Meters shall be installed to register the quantity of water used or drawn on the premises and shall be assigned to locations rather than to individuals. That is to say, an individual moving from one business or residence in the municipality to another location within the municipality shall not be entitled to take the meter from the old location, but if water service is desired at a new location such person shall be required to make application for the same as though he or she had not previously received water service in the municipality.
   (b)   All water meters shall be installed by or under the direction of the Division in a location where the same is readily accessible and shall be placed in the building as near as possible to the point where the service line enters the building or structure, so as to afford easy access for inspection and reading. A stopcock or valve shall be placed in the water line just ahead of the meter, with provisions for draining the meter. Any additional plumbing or changes necessary to meet the approval of the Division shall be done at the applicant’s expense.
   (c)   After the meter is placed and sealed, only members or employees of the Division shall be allowed to repair, remove or in any way interfere with the same. All ordinary repairs and removal of meters shall be at the expense of the municipality. The owner of the property in which the meter has been installed shall at all times be responsible for any damage done by freezing, hot water, fire or other breakage and shall be charged with the cost of repair thereof, plus the cost of installation.
   (d)   If the meter is stolen, the owner of the property from which it is stolen shall obtain a replacement meter from the municipality at the municipality’s cost, payable in advance. Such replacement meter shall be installed by the Division.
    (e)   No person shall injure, deface, mar, destroy or tamper with any water meter.
   (f)   Every water consumer shall promptly notify the Division of all defects in any meter or its failure to register properly the quantity of water passing through the same.
(1974 Code, § 930.14(d)) (Ord. 74-O-78, passed 2-19-1974)