A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section is to establish standards and provide a mechanism for the City to review and decide on an application to amend the text of this UDC.
   B.   Applicability:
      1.   This Section applies to all applications to amend the text of the UDC.
      2.   Specific types of applications may have additional standards, criteria, or requirements, as provided for in this UDC.
   C.   Amendment to UDC Text Process:
      1.   Application Submission: Only a City department, enterprise, appointed board of the City, or City Council may submit an application to amend the text of the UDC.
      2.   Planning Commission:
         a.   The Planning Commission shall review the application at a public hearing and shall forward its recommendation to City Council based on the approval criteria in Subsection D below. The Planning Commission may recommend approval, approval with conditions, denial, or may decide not to make a recommendation on the proposed amendment.
         b.   If the application relates to Section 7.2.608 (HP-O: Historic Preservation Overlay), the Historic Preservation Board shall review the application transmit its recommendation to approve, approve with conditions, or deny the text change to the Planning Commission.
      3.   City Council Decision: The City Council shall review the application and the recommendation from the Planning Commission at a public hearing and make a decision based on the approval criteria in Subsection D below.
   D.   Approval Considerations:
      1.   General: The Planning Commission may recommend approval or approval with conditions, and City Council may approve or approve with conditions, after paying due regard to each of the following factors:
         a.   The Colorado Springs Comprehensive Plan and other plans adopted by City Council.
         b.   The current conditions and character of current structures and uses in each zone district.
         c.   The most desirable use of land in each zone district.
         d.   The conservation of sensitive environmental features.
         e.   Promotion of responsible development and growth. (Ord. 23-03)