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Colorado Springs Overview
Colorado Springs, CO Code of Ordinances
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.907 is to provide landscaping areas internal to surface parking lots that provide shade, visual screening of parked cars, avoid large expanses of uninterrupted pavement, and screen adjacent properties and rights-of-way and walkways from potential headlight glare, pollution, and noise from the parking lot.
   B.   Minimum Required Plantings:
      1.   Interior Lot Plantings: Shade trees shall be provided in every parking lot with fifteen (15) or more surface vehicular parking spaces at a ratio of one shade tree for every fifteen (15) parking spaces or fraction thereof, and shall comply with the following standards:
         a.   Required trees shall be planted in a dispersed configuration to spread shade throughout the parking lot. On each side of each parking aisle, no more than fifteen (15) adjacent parking spaces shall be located without at least one (1) of the required trees.
         b.   Required trees shall be planted so that no more than fifteen (15) adjacent parking spaces (on one side of a parking aisle) are located without at least one of the required shade trees.
         c.   A planter used for tree planting shall meet the following standards:
            (1)   Each tree planting space shall be at least three hundred (300) square feet in size and shall provide at least one hundred and fifty (150) square feet of planter space (or the equivalent soil rooting volume) for each planted tree.
            (2)   Each planter shall be at least ten (10) feet in width from curb to curb.
            (3)   If soil in the parking lot has been compacted by grading operations, the soil within the planter shall be tilled, or removed to a depth of thirty (30) inches and replaced with an acceptable growing medium for the species being installed.
         d.   When these standards are applied to the Heavy Vehicle and Equipment Sales and Rental use or the Automobile and Light Vehicle Sales and Rental use, each two hundred and fifty (250) square feet (or fraction thereof) of vehicle or equipment display or storage area shall be counted as the equivalent of one parking space.
      2.   Perimeter Screening Plantings: The following additional standards shall apply to screen the view of parked vehicles when viewed from public rights-of-way or adjacent properties unless the Manager determines that landscaping installed pursuant to Sections 7.4.905 (Street Frontage and Street Trees) or 7.4.906 (Property Edge Landscape Buffers), provides equal or better screening of parked vehicles when viewed from those locations.
         a.   At least two-thirds (2/3) of the frontage of any applicable parking lot (exclusive of the width of any vehicular access points) when viewed from a public right-of-way or adjacent property shall be screened from view with screening that complies with the Subsection b below.
         b.   The screening shall consist of a fence or wall between three (3) feet and four (4) feet in height, measured from the surface of the parking spaces that are to be screened, and that comply with the following standards.
            (1)   The fence or wall meets the standards of Section 7.4.910 (Fences and Walls);
            (2)   The fence or wall attractively complements the vegetation and berms;
            (3)   The structures include architectural articulation or visual variety when viewed from adjacent lots or rights-of-way through changes in materials, wall or fence height, or the horizontal alignment of the wall or fence, or through the planting of vines, shrubs, or trees, and those instances of articulation or variety occur at least once for each twenty (20) linear feet of wall or fence length; and
            (4)   As an alternative to Subsections (1) through (3) above, at the applicant's option, the screening may consist of vegetation or combination of plantings and berms with an eventual height of three (3) feet or more, with vegetation being needled or broad-leaved evergreen plants.
   C.   Corner Visibility: No required planting shall interfere with visibility in the Sight Distance Line. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of the interior landscaping requirements is to ensure that each new multi-family residential development and nonresidential development achieves at least a minimum amount of total landscaped area, to separate building areas from parking lots, through landscaping that is adapted to the site, reflects the varying microclimates and respective building facade orientations, and visually ties the buildings and motor vehicle parking, storage, and display areas to the site and to the larger regional context.
   B.   Amount of Landscaping and Green Space: Interior landscaping shall include green space that meets the following standard to enhance residential and non-residential development, in addition to other required landscaping and buffering:
      1.   General:
         a.   In addition to the landscaping and buffering required by Sections 7.4.905 (Street Frontage and Street Trees), 7.4.906 (Property Edge Landscape Buffers), and 7.4.907 (Parking Lot Landscaping), residential and nonresidential development shall install the following amounts of landscaping on the interior of the site.
            (1)   All multi-family projects shall provide a minimum of fifteen (15) percent total green space. Of the fifteen (15) percent, ten (10) percent shall be active green space and five (5) percent shall be non-activated green space. If multiple residential structures are located on one lot, the requirement shall apply to the lot as a whole, and not to any defined space occupied by a single residential building.
            (2)   All nonresidential development projects shall provide a minimum non-activated green space area equal to five (5) percent of the gross site area.
         b.   On heavy industrial projects where internal landscaping may be inappropriate due to the necessary configuration and use of the site, the Manager may allow some or all of the required additional interior landscaping to be relocated to the main property entrances or office areas or outside of the wall or fence on the perimeter of the property.
         c.   Paved plazas may account for up to fifty (50) percent of the required landscaping area if they contain trees that provide visual relief to building elevations that form major public views of the project. Sidewalks that provide basic pedestrian circulation only shall not be credited towards the minimum internal landscaping area requirement.
      2.   Compact Development Lots: The following additional standards shall apply to Compact Lots:
         a.   Each development shall provide a minimum green space area equal to ten (10) percent of the gross site area. Of the total area, fifty (50) percent shall be contiguous active green space.
         b.   The Manager may consider up to a twenty-five (25) percent relief to the minimum green space requirement when the development is within six hundred and sixty (660) feet of a park that is accessible by a trail.
   C.   Type of Landscaping:
      1.   One (1) tree shall be planted for every five hundred (500) square feet of required minimum internal green space area.
      2.   All required trees in nonresidential projects and fifty (50) percent of the required trees in multi-family projects may be substituted by shrubs as follows:
         a.   Ten (10) shrubs, with a minimum #5 container size may be substituted for one (1) tree.
         b.   Two (2) ornamental grass clumps, with a minimum #3 container size, may be substituted for one (1) shrub.
      3.   In the WUI-O district, landscaping on residential properties shall comply with the requirements of the City of Colorado Springs Fire Prevention Code and Standards.
   D.   Location Of Landscaping: Landscaping installed in accordance with this Subsection 7.4.908D shall be placed in the following locations:
      1.   Adjacent to building elevations facing adjacent public rights-of-way and private streets;
      2.   Within a plaza or courtyard between buildings or portions of buildings;
      3.   In a space provided to separate building areas from parking areas;
      4.   As a buffer at the edge of a private stormwater water quality and/or detention facility on the same lot;
      5.   In an "oasis" area of the site with intensive plantings near building entrances, pedestrian gathering places, or parking lots;
      6.   In a similar location of the site that substantially conforms to the stated purposed of the required internal landscape area and approved by the Manager; or
      7.   In the WUI-O district, landscaping on residential properties shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of the City of Colorado Springs Fire Prevention Code and Standards. (Ord. 23-03)
7.4.909: SCREENING:
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.909 is to ensure that development establishes vegetative screening or walls and fences to shield loading, storage, and service areas from view from adjoining properties, public rights-of-way, and private streets.
   B.   Applicability and Exceptions: The standards in this Section 7.4.909 apply to all development except the following:
      1.   Attached and detached single-family and two-family dwellings in a single structure located on a single lot; or
      2.   Along property lines between adjacent properties in the LI or GI zone districts.
   C.   Required Screening:
      1.   Areas to be Screened: Screening that meets the standards of this Subsection 7.4.909C is required in the following areas to screen them view from adjacent properties and public or private streets or walkways:
         a.   Around any refuse or recycling collection areas, including trash bins;
         b.   Around any loading or utility service area, drive-throughs, vehicle repair bay, or vehicle fueling area;
         c.   Around any stormwater water quality and/or detention facility in a residential zone district or a residential component of a mixed-use development or PDZ district; and
         d.   Within ten (10) feet of any ground floor façade of a parking garage that is not occupied by a non-parking ground floor use and is visible from an adjacent property or public or private street
      2.   Screening Standards: The required screening shall meet the following standards:
         a.   All refuse collection areas adjacent to streets and properties shall have an opaque screen fence or wall and vegetative screen plants at least seven (7) feet in height.
         b.   All loading or utility service area, drive-throughs, vehicle repair bay, or vehicle fueling areas shall be screened with a vegetative screen.
         c.   If a vegetative screen is installed, plants shall be a fastigiated form of plant species and shall comply with all applicable standards in the Landscape Policy Manual.
         d.   A fence or wall shall comply with the standards of Section 7.4.910 (Fences and Walls).
         e.   Required foundation plantings along facades of parking garages shall comply with Section 7.4.906 (Property Edge Landscape Buffers). (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.910 is to provide aesthetic and location standards for fences and walls to improve the beauty of the City and ensure that fences and walls are not located where they could be safety hazards.
   B.   Location and Maximum Height: Except in the HS-O district or otherwise stated in this Section 7.4.910, fences or walls less than seven (7) feet in height may be placed anywhere on a property, provided the fence complies with the following additional standards:
      1.   Fences shall not block access to electric or gas meters, fire hydrants, Fire Department connections, and other fire protection appurtenances.
      2.   Fences located between the front façade of a primary structure and any lot frontage adjacent to a public or private street may not exceed four (4) feet in height.
      3.   Opaque fences on corner lots shall not extend beyond the established front yard setback.
      4.   Fences over thirty (30) inches in height are prohibited in any Sight Distance Line.
      5.   Fences and walls may only be located within preservation areas in accordance with the terms of an approved Development Plan.
      6.   Fences taller than the maximum heights permitted in this Subsection 7.4.910B are considered to be accessory structures and shall meet the setback and height requirements for accessory structures in Part 7.4.2 (Dimensional Standards).
      7.   Fences may be located adjacent to or on top of retaining walls provided that the height of the fence material, excluding the retaining wall, does not exceed the maximum permitted height of a permitted fence in that location.
   C.   Measurement of Fence Height: Fence height shall be measured in accord with Subsection 7.6.204B (Fence Height).
   D.   Fence and Wall Materials:
      1.   Fences and walls may include masonry walls, solid wood fencing, chain-link fencing with permahedge inserts, or chain-link fencing with opaque slats. The specific type of screening materials shall be determined in conjunction with the review of a Development Plan where one is required. Examples of acceptable fencing types are shown below.
      2.   Exterior use of tarps, plastic sheeting, polypropylene, or other similar materials as flexible or inflexible screening or fencing is prohibited when visible from beyond the property boundaries, except for City-installed or maintained snow fence or as part of active construction or remodeling project or as illustrated as part of a City-approved construction or grading and erosion control plan.
      3.   The use of barbed wire, razor wire, or electric shock fencing shall be prohibited except as shown below:
         a.   Commercial or Industrial Uses: Barbed wire or razor wire is permitted at a height six (6) feet or higher above existing grade.
         b.   Agricultural Uses:
            (1)   Electric shock fencing consisting of direct current shall be permitted in association with an agricultural use involving the control or containment of animals only.
            (2)   Barbed wire shall be allowed except in connection with a residential use of the property.
         c.   Residential Uses:
            (1)   Barbed wire and electric shock fencing may not be located along public rights-of-way, public sidewalks, or public open spaces. Where barbed wire or electric shock fencing are permitted, they may not extend into the required front yard setback.
            (2)   Razor wire is prohibited. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Purpose: The purpose of this Section 7.4.911 is to provide credit for the conservation of existing natural, healthy vegetation on development sites, which helps to preserve natural ecosystems.
   B.   Credit:
      1.   An applicant required to install landscaping pursuant to this Part 7.4.9 shall receive credit for preserving existing significant trees and vegetation against all tree planting requirements that would otherwise apply in this Part 7.4.9.
      2.   Trees and existing vegetation that the applicant proposes to retain shall be indicated on the landscape plan.
      3.   Existing trees and vegetation shall not be invasive and not be dead or dying. They shall be credited towards required landscaping as follows:
         a.   Deciduous Trees: A credit of one (1) tree per every one-and-one-half (1 ½) inch in caliper DBH (Diameter at Breast Height) of an existing qualified deciduous or ornamental tree.
         b.   Evergreen Trees: A credit of one tree per every six (6) feet in height of an existing qualified evergreen tree.
         c.   Shrubs: A credit of one shrub for each existing qualified shrub.
   C.   Tree Retention Standards: Specifications, plans, and construction practices regarding the retention of significant vegetation on development sites shall comply with the standards in the Landscape Policy Manual. (Ord. 23-03)
   A.   Landscape and Irrigation Installation and Verification Requirement:
      1.   Except as provided in Subsection B below, all landscaping, irrigation systems, and other site work shown on the approved Landscape Plan and Irrigation Plan shall be properly installed and stabilized against soil erosion or financially assured as follows:
         a.   In the case of a double frontage lot streetscape requirement or common area, installation and stabilization shall occur, or assurance shall be provided, before a Building Permit is issued;
         b.   In the case of a conversion of vacant land to a nonresidential use that does not involve the construction of a structure, assurance shall be provided before a final Development Plan is approved; or
         c.   For all other development, installation and stabilization shall occur, or assurance shall be provided, before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued;
      2.   In the WUI-O district, each lot containing a residential use shall complete a fire inspection before a Certificate of Occupancy may be issued.
   B.   Deferral of Landscape or Irrigation Installation: When all or some portion of the required landscaping, irrigation system, or other site work cannot be installed due to seasonal conditions that would jeopardize the health of plant materials or prohibit the installation of the irrigation system or plant materials, or due to the unavailability of plant material or construction activities, the owner or developer may make the following arrangements in order to secure a Certificate of Occupancy:
      1.   An acceptable assurance shall be posted with the Manager. Acceptable assurances shall include cash; cashiers, certified, company, or personal checks; certificates of deposit; irrevocable letters of credit, and/or subdivision bonds. The assurance shall be accompanied by a description of the uncompleted landscaping, irrigation system (including dedicated irrigation meter if required), and/or any required private site improvement(s) identified by the Manager, plus labor charge. A cost estimate or contractor's executed bid of the cost required to complete the work shall be provided. The assurance shall be an amount equal to the cost estimate.
      2.   The owner or developer shall agree in writing that the owner or developer and any successors or assign, shall complete the required landscaping, irrigation system, and/or site work within one (1) year or less from the date of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
      3.   The owner or developer agree that the assurance will not be released until all of the required landscaping, irrigation system, and/or site work has been installed and verified by City staff to comply with this Part 7.4.9. The following standards must be met:
         a.   The owner or developer shall provide current signed and executed landscape and irrigation affidavits and soil receipts showing installed soil amendments.
         b.   The City staff's verification shall occur during the active growing season. The Manager shall determine the dates when inspections will stop for the year and start the following spring. (Ord. 23-03)