7.3.101: Guidance
7.3.102: Types Of Uses Allowed In Base Districts And NNA-O District
7.3.103: Uses In PDZ Districts
7.3.104: Multiple Uses
7.3.105: Unlisted Uses
7.3.106: Previously Permitted Uses
7.3.107: Required Governmental Approvals, Licenses, Permits, And Operational Rules
7.3.108: Uses In Overlay Districts
The permitted and conditional land uses in each base zone district are indicated in Table 7.3.2-A. Additional uses of property or restrictions on the use of property may be contained in the description of the base zone district where the property is located (see Article 7.2 (Zone Districts)) or in an overlay district that applies to the property (see Part 7.2.6 (Overlay Districts)). If the property is in a Planned Development Zone District (PDZ), the allowable uses are contained in the Land Use Plan approved with the PDZ. (Ord. 23-03)
The letter in each cell in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table identifies whether and how a particular land use is permitted in a particular zone district. However, the availability of a particular land use shown in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table may be modified by any overlay district that applies to the property, as shown in Table 7.3.2-B: Additional Overlay District Use Table and Part 7.2.6 (Overlay Districts). For the base zone districts and the North Nevada Avenue Overlay (NNA-O), the following values apply:
A. "P" indicates that the use is permitted by-right in that zone district, subject to compliance with the Use-Specific Standards cross-referenced in the right-hand column of that line of Table 7.3.2-A. Where a use is listed as a permitted use in a zone district, that use is also available as an accessory use in the same zone district.
B. "C" indicates that the use is permitted only after the applicant obtains conditional use approval pursuant to Section 7.5.601 (Conditional Use Permit), and subject to the Use-Specific Standards cross-referenced in the right-hand column of that line of Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table.
C. "A" indicates that the use is permitted as an accessory use only in support of a permitted or approved conditional use on the site, subject to the Use-Specific Standards cross-referenced in the right-hand column of that line of Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table.
D. "T" indicates that the use is permitted as a temporary use, subject to the Use-Specific Standards cross-referenced in the right-hand column of that line of Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table.
E. "R" indicates that the use is Permitted, Conditional, or Prohibited as listed in the FBZ regulating plan applicable to the property.
F. A blank cell indicates that the use is not permitted in that zone district. (Ord. 23-03)
Permitted, conditional, and accessory uses in any PDZ district approved on or before the Effective Date are those listed in the applicable approved plan for that PDZ. Permitted, conditional, and accessory uses in any PDZ district approved after the Effective Date are those listed in the approved Land Use Plan for that PDZ. (Ord. 23-03)