A. Purpose: The BP zone district accommodates a limited group of, for example, professional, administrative, research, manufacturing, and light industrial uses. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table. Uses suitable for BP zone districts have operations that are quiet and clean to ensure the creation and maintenance of an environment that will protect the occupants of the business park from unintended adverse traffic, noise, or performance impacts. BP zone districts shall be located on lands that are suitable for industrial development, have adequate traffic capacity for the anticipated mix of uses as shown on the Major Thoroughfare Plan and applicable Land Use Plans. Before proceeding with any development, an applicant rezoning land to the BP zone district must obtain approval of a Land Use Plan pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan).

B. Dimensional Standards: The following table is a summary of key district-specific dimensional standards. Complete dimensional standards, including standards for accessory structures, are included in Part 7.4.2 (Dimensional Standards) and Section 7.3.304 (Accessory Uses).
District Standards | ||
District area (minimum) | 10 ac. | |
Lot Standards | ||
Lot area (minimum) | N/A | |
Lot width (minimum) | N/A | |
Setbacks (minimum) [1] | ||
A | Front (minimum) | 20 ft |
B | Side (minimum) | 10 ft |
Corner Lot - Side Street | 20 ft | |
C | Rear (minimum) | 25 ft |
Adjacent to existing or planned residential zone or use | 100 ft | |
Height (maximum) | ||
D | Building height | 45 ft |
Other Standards | ||
Front parking setback (minimum) | 20 ft | |
Notes: [1] Pursuant to Section 7.4.905 (Street Frontage and Street Trees), if the landscape setback is greater than the setback listed in this table, the landscape setback prevails. | ||
C. Additional Standards:
1. When land is zoned into the BP zone district after the Effective Date, approval of a Land Use Plan pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan) is required prior to any development on the land. Lands zoned into the former PIP-1 or PIP-2 zone districts prior to the Effective Date shall remain subject to any plans, conditions, or restrictions applicable under the pre-existing zoning or related zoning and land use approvals, but do not need to obtain approval of a Land Use Plan unless the Manager determines that the proposed development is of a size or intensity that was not anticipated, or creates potential impacts on the surrounding areas that were not considered, at the time of prior zoning or Land Use Plan approval. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The LI zone district accommodates, for example, light industrial uses and commercial uses that are complementary or compatible to light industrial uses. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table.

B. Dimensional Standards: The following table is a summary of key district-specific dimensional standards. Complete dimensional standards, including standards for accessory structures, are included in Part 7.4.2 (Dimensional Standards) and Section 7.3.304 (Accessory Uses).
District Standards | ||
District area (minimum) | N/A | |
Lot Standards | ||
Lot area (minimum) | N/A | |
Lot width (minimum) | Subject to Land Use Plan or Development Plan | |
Setbacks (minimum) | ||
A | Front (minimum) [1] | 20 ft |
B | Side (minimum) | See Table 7.4.2-D
Corner Lot - Side Street | See Table 7.4.2-D
| |
C | Rear (minimum) | See Table 7.4.2-D
Height (maximum) | ||
D | Building height | 60 ft |
Other Standards | ||
Front parking setback (minimum) | See Table 7.4.2-D
| |
Notes: [1] Pursuant to Section 7.4.905 (Street Frontage and Street Trees), if the landscape setback is greater than the setback listed in this table, the landscape setback prevails. | ||
(Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The GI zone district accommodates, for example, general industrial uses that may have significant traffic, noise, or operational impacts on the surrounding area. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table. Before proceeding with any development, an applicant rezoning land to the GI zone district must obtain approval of a Land Use Plan pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan). General industrial uses should provide appropriate areas for industrial activities; minimize or mitigate traffic congestion and overloading of utilities; ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses through the use of buffers or other mitigation measures; and mitigate excessive noise, illumination, unsightliness, odor, smoke, hazards, and other objectionable influences.

B. Dimensional Standards: The following table is a summary of key district-specific dimensional standards. Complete dimensional standards, including standards for accessory structures, are included in Part 7.4.2 (Dimensional Standards) and Section 7.3.304 (Accessory Uses).
District Standards | ||
District area (minimum) | N/A | |
Lot Standards | ||
Lot area (minimum) | Subject to Land Use Plan or Development Plan | |
Lot width (minimum) | Subject to Land Use Plan or Development Plan | |
Setbacks (minimum) | ||
A | Front (minimum) [1] | 20 ft |
B | Side (minimum) | See Table 7.4.2-D
Corner Lot - Side Street | See Table 7.4.2-D
| |
C | Rear (minimum) | See Table 7.4.2-D
Height (maximum) | ||
D | Building height | 80 ft |
Other Standards | ||
Front parking setback (minimum) | ||
Notes: [1] Pursuant to Section 7.4.905 (Street Frontage and Street Trees), if the landscape setback is greater than the setback listed in this table, the landscape setback prevails. | ||
(Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The PF zone district is provided for land that is, for example, used or being reserved for a governmental, utility, or telecommunication purpose by the City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, the State of Colorado, the Federal government, a public utility, a telecommunications provider, or a private provider of a traditional government function. Generally, the existing or proposed use is a unique governmental or utility service or a governmental function. Uses allowed in the PF zone district generally include governmental functions or utility services provided by the City of Colorado Springs, El Paso County, the State of Colorado, the Federal government, or a public utility and to private facilities that perform traditional government functions such as jails and halfway houses. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table. The PF zone district is not intended to include public park or major public institutional uses.

B. Designation or Expansion of a PF Zone District: Designation or expansion of a PF zone district requires a determination that a public need exists, and that the use and location are compatible with adjacent land uses. Special consideration should be given to conditions regarding setbacks from adjacent uses or property lines, landscaping, screening, access, and the placement and size of signs and amount of parking may be approved with the establishment of the zone district.
C. Dimensional Standards: Development standards such as lot size, setbacks, and maximum height are determined at the time of Development Plan review.
D. Development Plan Required: A Development Plan shall be approved before any Building Permits may be issued or before construction of any public facility or utility may begin. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The purpose of the APD zone district is to enable development that, for example, includes a mix of airport compatible uses located and designed consistent with the Colorado Springs Municipal Airport Master Plan. Land uses may include high-quality corporate office and business parks, as well as complementary hotel and conference facilities, and limited supporting retail, commercial, and service uses. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table. Before proceeding with any development, an applicant rezoning land to the APD zone district after the Effective Date must obtain approval of a Land Use Plan pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan).

B. Dimensional Standards: Development standards such as minimum lot size, setbacks, and maximum height are determined at the time of zoning and Development Plan review.
C. Additional Standards:
1. When land is zoned into this zone district after the Effective Date, approval of a Land Use Plan pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan) is required prior to any development on the land. Lands zoned into the former APD zone district prior to the Effective Date shall remain subject to any plans, conditions, or restrictions applicable under the pre-existing zoning or related zoning and land use approvals, but do not need to obtain approval of a Land Use Plan unless the Manager determines that the proposed development is of a size or intensity that was not anticipated, or creates potential impacts on the surrounding areas that were not considered, at the time of prior zoning or Land Use Plan approval.
2. The allowed uses on each Land Use Plan must conform with the uses designated and set forth on the adopted Colorado Springs Municipal Airport Master Plan. (Ord. 23-03)
A. Purpose: The PK zone district is intended for land set aside for use as, for example, public recreation and Open Space. Land uses are as indicated in Table 7.3.2-A: Base and NNA-O District Use Table. These parks may include playground equipment, athletic fields, sport courts, swimming pools, and other facilities and programmed activities normally associated with public parks. Parks may also be reserved for natural or environmental reasons, such as preservation of wildlife, vegetation, or significant natural, cultural, or historic resources.

B. Establishment and Development of a PK Zone: The establishment of a PK zone district shall follow procedures outlined for a rezoning of land in Article 7.5: Administration and Enforcement. Subsequently, all development activities associated with a particular PK zone district shall comply with a Park Master Plan for that zone district that shall be reviewed and approved at a public hearing by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. The decision of the Board may be appealed to the appropriate governmental agency. The Board or the City Council may add protective restrictions regarding setbacks from adjacent uses or property lines or the location and amount of parking to the approval of the Park Master Plan. Amendments to the Park Plan shall follow the procedure required for the original plan.
C. Dimensional Standards: All development activities and standards shall be determined by the approved Park Master Plan.
D. Review Criteria: Where Land Use Plan approval pursuant to Section 7.5.514 (Land Use Plan) is required, it shall be reviewed for compliance with the following review criteria:
1. Minimize impacts of scale, traffic, and parking on surrounding residential zone districts;
2. Compliance with the Park System Master Plan; and
3. Compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. (Ord. 23-03)