A. Unlawful To Obstruct Public Way: It shall be unlawful for any person to place upon or construct upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public way or upon any natural watercourse or improved drainway any encumbrance or obstruction, such as, but not limited to, earth fill, building materials, fences, platforms, stairs, railings or barricades (hereafter "offending object"), except under the terms of a revocable permit as provided in this part.
B. Notice To Remove Offending Objects: The Mayor or Utilities Executive Director shall notify in writing the owner, agent or person responsible for the placing or construction of the offending object, when that owner, agent or person is known to the Manager or Director, to remove the same within a reasonable time and restore the public way to its former state. If the offending object has not been removed at the expiration of the time stated in the notice, the Mayor or Utilities Executive Director shall cause the same to be removed and stored and all necessary correction work performed to restore the public way or watercourse to its former state, all at the expense of the owner.
C. Abandoned Objects Become City Property: If within thirty (30) days the offending object has not been reclaimed and all costs of removal and restoration of the public way paid, the same shall be presumed to have been abandoned and the Mayor or Utilities Executive Director may declare the same to be City property. The same may be used or disposed of in the same manner as other City property 1 .
D. Revocable Permits:
1. Signs And Signposts Prohibited On Public Ways: It shall be unlawful for any person to place upon or construct upon any sidewalk, street, alley or other public way or upon any natural watercourse or improved drainway any sign or signpost except under the terms of a revocable permit as provided in this part. The Code Enforcement Administrator or a designated representative shall be authorized to remove and dispose of any unauthorized sign or signpost without notification to the owner.
2. Exceptions: The provision of subsection D1 of this section shall not apply to any sign or signpost between the hours of one minute after twelve o'clock (12:01) P.M. on Friday through twelve o'clock (12:00) noon on Monday, provided that it is not placed upon any median, park property, utilities easement or pole, but is placed within the public right of way and meets the following minimum standards:
a. The sign does not exceed six (6) square feet in area;
b. The sign is not placed within the downtown core as defined in subsection 7.4.1312
F2 of this Code; and
c. The sign is not placed in the right of way adjacent to any residentially zoned property, unless express permission is granted by the property owner. (1980 Code; Ord. 94-80; Ord. 98-185; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 03-42; Ord. 03-187; Ord. 07-31; Ord. 11-19; Ord. 23-17 2 )
1 | 1. See section 1.5.703 of this Code for method of disposition of City property. |
2 | 1. June 5, 2023 is the effective date of Ordinance 23-17. |
Small Cell Facilities may be located in the right-of-way pursuant to the requirements of City Code Section 7.3.303
. The Mayor or designee shall set the terms, fees, compensation and conditions relating to the use of the right-of-way for Small Cell Facilities, consistent with the provisions of this Code. (Ord. 20-30; Ord. 23-17 1 )
1 | 1. June 5, 2023 is the effective date of Ordinance 23-17. |
AIR OPERATIONS AREA (AOA): Has the meaning defined in 49 CFR section 1540.5, as amended.
FACILITY: Any City owned or leased building, facility, real or personal property, right of way or easement. This term shall apply to all City facilities operated for the benefit of the municipal government and utilities, hospital and municipal enterprise facilities.
MANAGER: The person or persons who have administrative or supervisory authority over any facility. This term includes, but is not limited to, the Mayor, Utilities Director, City Attorney, City Clerk, City Auditor, Municipal Court Administrator, Presiding Judge of the Municipal Court, MHS Enterprise Board of Trustees (subject to the terms and conditions of the Memorial Health System Affiliation during its duration) and their designees.
MUNICIPAL AIRPORT: All properties presently leased or owned by the City and designated by the City Council or Mayor as a part of the Municipal Airport, including all of that property commonly known as "Peterson Field", and any properties which may be acquired by the City as a municipal aeronautical facility. "Municipal Airport" includes a terminal facility for development, promotion and accommodation of air commerce, air travel and air transportation.
PASSENGER TERMINAL FACILITY: The building and overhang structure located at 7770 Milton E. Proby Parkway in Colorado Springs, Colorado. (Ord. 03-138; Ord. 11-20; Ord. 14-14; Ord. 15-63)
A. Security Plans: The manager of any facility shall have the authority to develop security plans and promulgate rules and regulations necessary for the health, safety, security and welfare of the public, City employees and the conduct of City business within the public areas of the facility. The plans, rules and regulations shall consistently consider levels of threats linked to the national Homeland Security Threat Level Plan and be based upon a uniform analysis of security risks to the facility. The City Attorney shall review all proposed plans, rules and regulations for compliance with relevant State or Federal laws.
B. Posting Of Notice: The manager of any facility that is subject to security plans shall post a notice at the public entrance(s) of the facility, visible to persons entering the facility, noting the threat level and corresponding rules and regulations in effect and that violations of the rules and regulations will be prosecuted.
C. Posting Of Municipal Airport: The person or persons who have administrative or supervisory authority over the Municipal Airport and their designees shall post a notice at the public entrance(s) to the passenger terminal facility of the Municipal Airport and the AOA, visible to persons entering the facility or the AOA, informing the public that the possession of marijuana within the passenger terminal facility of the Municipal Airport and the AOA is prohibited. (Ord. 03-138; Ord. 14-14)
3.2.401: Legislative Declaration
3.2.402: Authority
3.2.403: Definitions
3.2.404: Permit Required; Exceptions
3.2.405: Fees; Costs
3.2.406: Permit Application; Required Information
3.2.407: Special Event Permit Review; Issuance; Denial
3.2.408: Insurance
3.2.409: Unlawful Acts
3.2.410: Suspension Or Revocation
3.2.411: Appeals
The City of Colorado Springs has a rich history of community pride and involvement. It is appropriate to take time to gather as a community to recognize, celebrate and honor the accomplishments, contributions and privileges of our citizens and our community. The use of public property is often necessary to accommodate the size or type of special events and also provides unique venues for expression and entertainment. It is the purpose of this part to establish an administrative special event permit program that will facilitate the success of these special events, protect the free speech activities of participants and spectators and promote and preserve the public health, safety and welfare.
It is Council's intent to protect the rights of its citizens to engage in protected free speech expression activities while providing a coordinated process for the regulation of special events. Reasonable time, place and manner regulation of special events ensures the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of this City and the impact that special events have on public and private facilities and services. Regulation of special events protects the privileges and interests granted to the holder of a special event permit and provides a mechanism for effective management of City assets and resources, and for City cost recovery and revenue sharing for special events. (Ord. 08-179)