A. If a user desires to disconnect user's premises from the wastewater system, the user shall not be permitted to take up that portion of the service line between the collection line and the property line of the premises, but at user's expense the service line shall be capped at the property line and the service line shall be removed from the property line to the structure except as required by section 12.5.411 of this part. New service lines to replace existing service lines shall not be approved by Utilities until old service lines are dug up and properly capped. The cap shall be sufficiently tight to prevent the escape of wastewater gas or the infiltration of water.
B. Any service line classified as abandoned and/or inactive through previous City Code or Utilities' rules and regulations (prior to March 1, 2016) shall be returned to service upon request, payment of all applicable fees and costs, and compliance with all applicable rules and regulations.
C. Transfer of credit associated with a wastewater development charge is generally prohibited; however, transfers may be permitted in limited circumstances in accordance with Utilities' tariffs. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 11-101; Ord. 15-99; Ord. 16-11; Ord. 19-34)
A review shall be conducted at least once every two (2) years of the wastewater contribution of users and user classes, the total costs of operation and maintenance of the treatment works, and the approved user charge system. The biennial review shall be conducted and revisions made in accord with 40 CFR section 35.929-2(b). If as a result of the biennial review, rates must be adjusted, then ratemaking shall occur as provided in section 12.1.108 of this chapter. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42)
Each user will be notified at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill (or other means acceptable to the EPA Regional Administrator) of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to the wastewater treatment services, in accord with 40 CFR sections 35.2140(c) and 35.929-2(f), dated July 1, 1982. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42)
A. Where a collection line is not required or available to premises under the provisions established in this article, the wastewater disposal facilities of the premises shall be connected to an individual wastewater disposal system complying with the provisions of this article and the El Paso County individual sewage disposal system regulations.
B. The type, capacity, location and layout of an individual wastewater disposal system shall comply with all standards of the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment. No permit shall be issued for any individual wastewater disposal system employing subsurface soil absorption facilities where the area of the lot does not meet the regulations imposed by the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment. No septic tank or existing cesspool shall be permitted to discharge into any natural waterway or surface drainage.
C. Before commencement of construction of an individual wastewater disposal system on public or private property within the City or in any area under the jurisdiction of the City or Utilities, the owner shall first submit an application for a permit to construct, remodel or install an individual sewage disposal system to the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment. A representative of the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment shall forward the application to the Chief Executive Officer for written approval or denial. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or maintain a privy vault, holding tank or receptacle for wastewater disposal or similar device within the limits of the City, and in all instances where the devices are now in use, the owner or occupant of the premises shall discontinue the use thereof and install a proper service line or individual wastewater disposal system in accord with the provisions of this article except that the use of holding tanks will only be permitted to be used after joint review and approval of Utilities and the El Paso County Department of Health and Environment. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42)