A. The Chief Executive Officer may implement BMPs under a Silver Source Control Program for any industrial user who has the potential to discharge waste silver-rich photochemical solutions into the wastewater system. Industrial users that are significant industrial users may be eligible for coverage under the Silver Source Control Program if approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
B. Industrial users subject to coverage under the Silver Source Control Program shall comply with BMPs and treatment requirements contained in the Silver Source Control Policies and Procedures Manual.
C. Prior to the discharge, the discharger shall install, operate, maintain, and monitor process treatment equipment capable of consistently achieving discharge concentrations which shall not exceed four hundred milligrams per liter (400 mg/L). It is unlawful to fail to either install, operate, or maintain wastewater treatment equipment.
D. In order to assure compliance with the POTW's CDPS permits, compliance with local limits and the MAHL, and to prevent pass-through; or otherwise protect the wastewater system, the Chief Executive Officer may modify the Silver Source Control Policies and Procedures Manual in accordance with subsection 12.1.110B of this chapter, to require more restrictive treatment requirements, to impose numeric limits, to require discharge monitoring and/or other conditions determined to be necessary by the Chief Executive Officer. Alternatively, the Chief Executive Officer may revoke coverage under the Silver Source Control Program and may issue an individual control mechanism or discharge permit. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 06-195; Ord. 10-82; Ord. 14-66; Ord. 18-42; Ord. 19-34)
A. The Chief Executive Officer may implement BMPs under a Mercury Source Control Program for any industrial user who has the potential to discharge mercury into the wastewater system. Industrial users that are significant industrial users are not eligible for coverage under the Mercury Source Control Program.
B. Industrial users subject to coverage under the Mercury Source Control Program shall comply with BMPs and treatment requirements contained in the Mercury Source Control Policies and Procedures Manual. In addition, dental dischargers shall comply with the BMPs and treatment requirements contained in the Mercury Source Control Policies and Procedures Manual and the Dental Amalgam Pretreatment Standards found in 40 CFR Part 441.
C. In order to assure compliance with the POTW CDPS permits, local limits, and the MAHL; and to prevent pass-through or otherwise protect the wastewater system, the Chief Executive Officer may modify the Mercury Source Control Policies and Procedures Manual in accordance with subsection 12.1.110B of this chapter, to require more restrictive treatment requirements or BMPs, to impose numeric limits, to require discharge monitoring, and/or other conditions determined necessary by the Chief Executive Officer. Alternatively, the Chief Executive Officer may revoke coverage under the Mercury Source Control Program and may issue an individual control mechanism or discharge permit.
D. If an industrial user exceeds the local limit for mercury, is not in compliance with the requirements contained in the Mercury Source Control Program, or otherwise is designated by the Chief Executive Officer as a significant industrial user, the Chief Executive Officer shall revoke coverage under the Mercury Source Control Program. The Chief Executive Officer may require a discharge permit or may issue an individual control mechanism. Remedies for noncompliance shall be in accordance with part 12 of this article. (Ord. 06-195; Ord. 10-82; Ord. 18-42; Ord. 19-34)
A. The Chief Executive Officer may develop BMPs to implement the prohibitions of section 12.5.702 of this part and the local limits of subsection 12.5.703B of this part. BMPs shall be considered pretreatment standards and local limits for purposes of this article and section 307(d) of the Act. Additionally, BMPs may be categorical pretreatment standards, established by the EPA.
B. The Chief Executive Officer may develop general BMPs that are applicable to categories of industrial users, categories of activities or geographic areas. Adoption of general BMPs shall be in accord with subsection 12.1.110B of this chapter.
C. Elements of a BMP may include, but are not limited to:
1. Installation of treatment.
2. Requirements for or prohibitions on certain practices or discharges.
3. Requirements for the operation and maintenance of treatment equipment.
4. Time frames associated with key activities.
5. Procedures for compliance certification, reporting and records retention.
6. Provisions for reopening and revoking BMPs.
D. Any industrial user may be required to comply with BMPs. BMPs may be incorporated in categorical pretreatment standards, discharge permits, control mechanisms, and orders. (Ord. 06-195; Ord. 10-82; Ord. 18-42; Ord. 19-34)
12.5.801: Regulatory Actions; General Powers Of Chief Executive Officer
12.5.802: Regulatory Actions; Specific Powers Of Chief Executive Officer
12.5.803: Pretreatment Facilities; Submission Of Plans
12.5.804: Pretreatment Facilities; Operations
12.5.805: Admission To Property
12.5.806: Accidental Discharge, Protection From
12.5.807: Slug Discharge; Report Required
12.5.808: Prohibited Procedural Actions Or Failure To Act
12.5.809: Workplace Notices
12.5.810: pH Recording Meters
12.5.811: Hazardous Chemical Handling; Submission Of Plans
In addition to the Chief Executive Officer's authority to reduce, prevent or eliminate discharges through enforcement of discharge limitations and prohibitions, the Chief Executive Officer shall have the following authorities:
A. Endangerment To Health Or Welfare Of The Community: The Chief Executive Officer, after informal notice to the affected discharger, may immediately and effectively reduce, halt or prevent any discharge of pollutants into any natural waterway, surface drainage within the City, any area under jurisdiction of the City, wastewater collection system of the City or any wastewater system tributary thereto, by any means available to the Chief Executive Officer, including physical disconnection from the wastewater system, whenever it reasonably appears that the discharge presents an imminent endangerment to the health or welfare of individual persons or the community.
B. Endangerment To Environment Or The POTW: The Chief Executive Officer, after written order to the discharger, may reduce, halt or prevent any discharge of pollutants into any natural waterway, surface drainage within the City, any area under jurisdiction of the City, wastewater collection system of the City or any wastewater system tributary thereto, by any means available to the Chief Executive Officer, including physical disconnection from the wastewater system, whenever the discharge presents or may present an endangerment to the environment or threatens to interfere with the operation of the POTW. (See also subsection 12.5.1203B of this article.)
C. Reducing, Halting Or Preventing Discharges: The discharges referred to above may be reduced, halted or prevented without regard to the compliance of the discharge with other provisions of this article. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 10-82; Ord. 18-42)
If wastewaters containing any substance described in part 7 of this article are discharged or proposed to be discharged into any natural waterway, surface drainage within the City, any area under the jurisdiction of the City, into the wastewater collection system of the City or any wastewater system tributary thereto, the Chief Executive Officer may take any action necessary to:
A. Prohibit the discharge of the wastewater;
B. Require a discharger to demonstrate that in-plant modifications will reduce or eliminate the discharge of the substances in conformity with this article;
C. Require treatment, including storage facilities or flow equalization necessary to reduce or eliminate the objectionable characteristics or substance so that the discharge will not violate this article;
D. Require the person making, causing or allowing the discharge to pay any additional cost or expense incurred by the City or Utilities for surface or subsurface cleanup and remediation of wastewaters, as well as handling, treating or disposing excess loads imposed on the wastewater treatment system including any system development charges, fines or legal expenses associated with alleged or actual violations of the City's CDPS permit attributed to an unauthorized user discharge;
E. Obtain timely and factual reports from the facility responsible for the discharge;
F. Evaluate whether each significant industrial user needs a plan or other action to control slug discharges within one year of the user being designated as a significant industrial user.
G. Require: 1) the development of a compliance schedule by each industrial user for the installation of technology required to meet applicable pretreatment standards and requirements, and 2) the submission of all notices and self-monitoring reports from industrial users as are necessary to assess and assure compliance by industrial users with pretreatment standards and requirements, including, but not limited to, the reports required in section 12.5.901 of this article.
H. Take other or further remedial action, including issuance of a control mechanism, as may be deemed to be desirable or necessary to achieve the purposes of this article. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 10-82; Ord. 18-42)
Where pretreatment or equalization of wastewater flows prior to discharge into any part of the wastewater treatment system is required, plans, specifications and other pertinent data or information relating to the pretreatment or flow control facilities shall first be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer for review and approval. The approval shall not exempt the user from compliance with any applicable code, ordinance, rule, regulation or order of any governmental authority. The approval shall not be construed as or act as a guaranty or assurance that any discharge is or will be in compliance with any applicable code, ordinance, rule, regulation, or order of any governmental authority. Any subsequent alterations or additions to the pretreatment or flow control facilities shall not be made without due notice to and prior approval of the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 99-162; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)