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Colorado Springs Overview
Colorado Springs, CO Code of Ordinances
12.4.1202: DEFINITIONS 1 :
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this part, shall have the meanings designated:
APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: A backflow prevention assembly accepted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer, as defined in the service standards and specifications, as suitable for protection against cross connections.
APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION METHOD: A backflow prevention method accepted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer, as defined in the service standards and specifications, as suitable for protection against cross connections.
AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY: Any water supply on or available to a customer's or user's premises other than the water supply system.
BACKFLOW: The reverse flow of water, fluids or gases into the distribution main, the water supply system or any service line caused by backpressure or backsiphonage.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: Any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the degree of hazard at the premises served and is an in-line field testable assembly.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION METHOD: Any method and/or non-testable device installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the method or non-testable device is appropriate for the degree of hazard at the premises served.
CERTIFIED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TESTER: A person who possesses a valid backflow prevention assembly tester certification from one of the following approved organizations: American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) or the American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA).
COLORADO PRIMARY DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS: Any regulations promulgated by the State of Colorado or any State agency to assure the safety of public drinking water supplies, and to enable the State of Colorado to assume responsibility for enforcing the standards established by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended.
CROSS CONNECTION: Any connection to the water supply system where a degree of hazard is present at the premises served, which connection could allow any water, fluid, or gas to flow from any pipe, plumbing fixture or a user's water system into the water supply system through backflow.
DEGREE OF HAZARD: The classification of a cross connection based on the potential that a backflow event would pose an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public. The Chief Executive Officer shall have sole discretion to classify cross connections into one of the following hazard levels in the service standards and specifications:
   A.   High Hazard: A determination by the Chief Executive Officer that a backflow event would result in an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public.
   B.   Low Hazard: A determination by the Chief Executive Officer that a backflow event may result in an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public.
SERVICE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The most current edition of the Colorado Springs Utilities Line Extension and Service Standards.
USER'S POTABLE WATER SYSTEM: Any water supply located on the user's premises whether supplied by the water supply system or an auxiliary water supply. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)



2. For definitions of general application, see section 1.1.106 of this Code. For other definitions generally applicable to this chapter, see section 12.1.101 of this chapter. For definitions specific to the water supply system, see section 12.4.201 of this article.
12.4.1203: UNLAWFUL ACTS:
   A.   It shall be unlawful for any person to pollute or contaminate any service line or the water supply system with any water or other liquids, fluids, mixtures, gases or any other substance not meeting the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
   B.   It shall be unlawful for any person to make, install, maintain or permit to exist any cross connection unless it is protected by an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method as required by this part. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42)
12.4.1204: PLAN APPROVAL:
The user shall submit all drawings, plans, specifications and other documents required by chapter 7 of this Code or part 3 of this article to the Chief Executive Officer for approval prior to connecting a service line to a premises that has a potential to create a cross connection or making modifications to the water service line, internal plumbing or external plumbing of any premises, which modifications have the potential to create a cross connection. Information submitted must include, but may not be limited to, the following:
   A.   Water service type, size, location and related appurtenances;
   B.   Meter type, size and location;
   C.   Backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method type, size and location; and
   D.   Fire sprinkler system(s) service line, type, size and location of backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)
12.4.1205: INSPECTION:
All backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method installations shall be inspected for compliance with this part prior to the furnishing of water service to the premises. The City and Utilities shall not be subjected to any liability for any deficiency or defect associated with the installation, maintenance and operation of a backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method, nor shall such owner, developer, customer or user of the premises be absolved from either any liability for a deficiency or defect or any responsibility to correct the deficiency or defect. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42)
Whenever necessary for the purposes of this part, the Chief Executive Officer has the power, upon the presentation of proper credentials, to enter and inspect at any reasonable time and in any reasonable manner any property, premises or place for the purpose of investigating any actual, suspected or potential cross connection, or ascertaining noncompliance with this part, or assuring proper installation, maintenance and operation of any backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method. Any entry shall be at reasonable times unless an emergency situation exists. The occupant or owner of the property or premises shall render all proper assistance in entry and inspection activities. If entry or inspection to any property is denied or not promptly consented to, or at any other time to investigate sources of contamination impacting the water supply system, the Chief Executive Officer is empowered to obtain, from Municipal, County or State District Court with jurisdiction, a warrant to enter and inspect any property, premises or place. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)
12.4.1207: REQUIREMENTS:
   A.   The provisions of subsection F of this section notwithstanding, in addition to the general requirements of this part, any commercial user desiring to connect a service line to the water supply system shall protect the water supply system by installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method on each affected service line to the premises within a user's potable water system. In all cases, the approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method shall be located before the first branch line leading off the service line.
   B.   In addition to the general requirements of this part, any commercial user desiring to make modifications to a water service line, internal plumbing or external plumbing of any premises, which modifications have the potential to create a cross connection, shall protect the water supply system by installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method on each affected service line to the premises within a user's potable water system. In all cases, the approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method shall be located before the first branch line leading off the service line.
   C.   In addition to the general requirements of this part, in the case of any premises used by a commercial user, where a degree of hazard exists, the user shall protect the water supply system by installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method on each affected service line to the premises within a user's potable water system. In all cases, the approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method shall be located before the first branch line leading off the service line.
   D.   In addition to the general requirements of this part, in the case of any premises used by a residential user for single family residential uses where a degree of hazard exists, the user shall protect the water supply system by installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method on each affected service line to the premises within a user's potable water system. In all cases, the approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method shall be located before the first branch line leading off the service line.
   E.   In addition to the general requirements of this part, in the case of a connection between the water supply system and a public user's water supply system, the water supply system shall be protected by installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method in a location or at locations approved by the Chief Executive Officer.
   F.   Where installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method is required to protect the water supply system and, as determined in the sole discretion of the Chief Executive Officer, installation of the backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method on the affected service lines to the premises or as otherwise required by this part is impossible or impractical, installation of the approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method shall be at a location or at locations designated by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)
The Chief Executive Officer may require any user to submit a cross connection control management plan. The management plan shall be approved by the Chief Executive Officer and must include, but shall not be limited to, information on all backflow prevention assemblies or backflow prevention methods, testing frequencies and a hazard assessment and identification. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)
12.4.1209: TESTING:
Any user at any premises where a backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method is required by this part shall have operational tests made at the user's expense upon installation, repair or replacement, and at least annually after installation, repair or replacement. Any backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method that is non-testable shall be inspected at least once annually. Tests and inspections shall be performed, at the user's expense, by a certified backflow prevention assembly tester. The tests and inspections shall be conducted on the following schedule and shall be performed in accordance with the procedures identified in the service standards and specifications.
   A.   Where the backflow prevention assembly protects the water system from cross connections associated with irrigation systems, including where a single water service line provides both irrigation and non-irrigation water, the annual test shall be completed by July 1 of each year. As an alternative to annual testing, where the irrigation system has a dedicated water service tap, the customer may choose not to recharge their dedicated irrigation system and shall voluntarily discontinue service to the tap until such time as the customer has made arrangements with Utilities for reinstatement of service. The customer shall have a certified backflow prevention assembly tester on site at the time of reinstatement of water service to the dedicated irrigation water service tap to perform the required annual test. If the customer does not have a certified backflow assembly tester on site at the time of reinstatement of service, Utilities will not reinstate water service and may charge a return trip fee for each return trip to effect the reinstatement of service in accordance with Utilities Rules and Regulations.
   B.   Where the backflow prevention assembly does not protect the water system from cross connections associated with irrigation systems, the annual test shall be completed by October 1 of each year.
   C.   Where the backflow prevention assembly or backflow prevention method is non-testable, it shall be inspected by Utilities at least once annually no later than October 1 of each year.
   D.   In those instances where the Chief Executive Officer deems that a cross connection constitutes a high hazard, tests and inspections may be required at more frequent intervals. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42; Ord. 20-94)