A. General Requirements: Reclaimed water users may be subject to such monitoring, record keeping and reporting requirements as may be reasonably required by the Colorado WQCD to ensure compliance with its requirements, including, but not limited to:
1. For each reclaimed water user, the total volume of reclaimed domestic water used per year;
2. For landscape irrigation users, each location with the associated acreage where reclaimed water was applied; and
3. Information demonstrating the reclaimed water user's compliance with the conditions for use of reclaimed water, as provided in subsection 12.4.1106A of this part.
B. Annual Report: The information required by subsection A of this section and other information as requested by the Chief Executive Officer shall be submitted by the reclaimed water user annually, by January 3 of each and every year, on forms provided by the Chief Executive Officer, with the certification found in section 12.4.1105 of this part.
C. Duty To Notify: Reclaimed water users shall report any violation of the Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulation and/or notice of authorization at their respective facilities in writing to the Utilities and to the Colorado WQCD within thirty (30) days of becoming aware of the violation. For more serious violations (including nonpermitted discharges to surface waters, uncontrolled cross connections, or other violations posing an immediate threat to public health or the environment) shall be reported orally to the Utilities and the Colorado WQCD within twenty four (24) hours of becoming aware of the violation, and shall be followed up by written report within five (5) working days. The written report shall contain a description of the noncompliance, including exact dates and times; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance. (Ord. 00-205; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 07-60; Ord. 18-42)
A. Whenever it shall be necessary for the purposes of this part, the Chief Executive Officer upon the presentation of proper credentials, may enter upon the property or premises of any reclaimed water user or suspected user of reclaimed water at reasonable times for the purposes of:
1. Inspecting on a regular basis or for cause to assure compliance with the requirements of this part, State law, and the Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulation, any notice of authorization, and the user plan to comply.
2. Copying any records required to be kept under the provisions of this part, the Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulation or of the notice of authorization.
3. Inspecting any monitoring equipment, Best Management Practices or other measures to assure compliance with the provisions in the user plan to comply or requirements of the notice of authorization.
B. Any inspection shall be completed with reasonable promptness. The occupant of such property or premises shall render all proper assistance in such activities.
C. If entry or inspection to any property is denied or not promptly consented to for the purposes described in subsection A of this section, the Chief Executive Officer is empowered to obtain, from Municipal, County or State District Court with jurisdiction, a warrant to enter and inspect any such property, premises or place. (Ord. 00-205; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 07-60; Ord. 18-42)
A. Chief Executive Officer Compliance Oversight: The Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulation requires the treater to conduct inspections of a representative number and type of reclaimed water user sites to determine reclaimed water user compliance with the user plan to comply, notice of authorization, and the Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulations. If the treater is aware of a violation by a reclaimed water user and does not report it as required by the Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulations, the treater may be subject to an enforcement action for failure to report the violation.
B. Noncompliance Correction: The Colorado Reclaimed Water Control Regulation provides where the treater finds violations by a reclaimed water user, up to sixty (60) days may be used by the treater to work with the reclaimed water user to resolve the violation. If the violation is resolved, no separate notice to the Colorado WQCD is required. The violation is to be reported in the treater's annual report to the Colorado WQCD. If the violation is continuing after a total of sixty (60) days from the time the treater became aware of the violation, the treater shall report the violation to the Colorado WQCD within five (5) working days.
C. Noncompliance Enforcement: It is the purpose of this section to provide additional and cumulative remedies. The Chief Executive Officer may use the following remedies individually, sequentially or in any order:
2. Service Discontinuance: The Utilities may discontinue reclaimed water service for reasons provided in the Colorado Springs Utilities tariffs, rules and regulations, section 13, including, but not limited to, violations of this Code or the nonpotable water line extension and service standards, unsafe conditions, and denying right of access. Procedures for discontinuance of service are as provided in the Colorado Springs Utilities tariffs.
D. Judicial Review: Any person aggrieved by the imminent hazard order of the Chief Executive Officer may appeal said order to the Hearing Officer in accord with subsection 12.1.115C of this chapter. If a timely request for hearing is made, the decision of the Hearing Officer shall be a final order. Any party adversely affected by the decision of a Hearing Officer may appeal it to the District Court in and for the County of El Paso pursuant to rule 106(a)(4) of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure. If the alleged violator fails to submit a timely request for a hearing, the alleged violator has failed to exhaust administrative remedies and may not appeal the notice or order to District Court. (Ord. 00-205; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 07-60; Ord. 18-42)
12.4.1201: Scope And Applicability
12.4.1202: Definitions
12.4.1203: Unlawful Acts
12.4.1204: Plan Approval
12.4.1205: Inspection
12.4.1206: Admission To Property
12.4.1207: Requirements
12.4.1208: Management Plan
12.4.1209: Testing
12.4.1210: Installation, Repair And Replacement Of Backflow Prevention Assemblies And Methods
12.4.1211: Recordkeeping
12.4.1212: Cross Connection Survey
12.4.1213: Enforcement; Remedies
12.4.1214: Rights Of Appeal
1 | 1. Prior ordinance history: Ord. 01-41; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 05-135. |
A. This part sets forth uniform requirements for protecting the water supply system from backflow and enables Utilities to comply with all State and Federal laws and regulations required by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (42 USCA sections 300f through 300j-26, Public Law 93-523), including but not limited to the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations (5 CCR 1002-11).
B. Utilities shall be the authority having jurisdiction over any user who has a cross connection to the water supply system.
C. Utilities is not responsible for controlling cross connections within public or private water systems that are not owned by Utilities or within a user's potable water system, except to the extent necessary to protect the water supply system.
D. In accord with section 7.5.1401
of this Code, where in any specific case different requirements are specified by the Regional Building Code, the more restrictive shall govern.
E. In the case of a conflict between this part and the service standards and specifications, this part shall govern. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 23-17)
Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise, the following terms, as used in this part, shall have the meanings designated:
APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: A backflow prevention assembly accepted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer, as defined in the service standards and specifications, as suitable for protection against cross connections.
APPROVED BACKFLOW PREVENTION METHOD: A backflow prevention method accepted and approved by the Chief Executive Officer, as defined in the service standards and specifications, as suitable for protection against cross connections.
AUXILIARY WATER SUPPLY: Any water supply on or available to a customer's or user's premises other than the water supply system.
BACKFLOW: The reverse flow of water, fluids or gases into the distribution main, the water supply system or any service line caused by backpressure or backsiphonage.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY: Any mechanical assembly installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the mechanical assembly is appropriate for the degree of hazard at the premises served and is an in-line field testable assembly.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION METHOD: Any method and/or non-testable device installed at a water service line or at a plumbing fixture to prevent a backflow contamination event, provided that the method or non-testable device is appropriate for the degree of hazard at the premises served.
CERTIFIED BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TESTER: A person who possesses a valid backflow prevention assembly tester certification from one of the following approved organizations: American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) or the American Backflow Prevention Association (ABPA).
COLORADO PRIMARY DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS: Any regulations promulgated by the State of Colorado or any State agency to assure the safety of public drinking water supplies, and to enable the State of Colorado to assume responsibility for enforcing the standards established by the Federal Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended.
CROSS CONNECTION: Any connection to the water supply system where a degree of hazard is present at the premises served, which connection could allow any water, fluid, or gas to flow from any pipe, plumbing fixture or a user's water system into the water supply system through backflow.
DEGREE OF HAZARD: The classification of a cross connection based on the potential that a backflow event would pose an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public. The Chief Executive Officer shall have sole discretion to classify cross connections into one of the following hazard levels in the service standards and specifications:
A. High Hazard: A determination by the Chief Executive Officer that a backflow event would result in an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public.
B. Low Hazard: A determination by the Chief Executive Officer that a backflow event may result in an unacceptable health and/or safety risk to the public.
SERVICE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The most current edition of the Colorado Springs Utilities Line Extension and Service Standards.
USER'S POTABLE WATER SYSTEM: Any water supply located on the user's premises whether supplied by the water supply system or an auxiliary water supply. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42; Ord. 18-42)
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A. It shall be unlawful for any person to pollute or contaminate any service line or the water supply system with any water or other liquids, fluids, mixtures, gases or any other substance not meeting the Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to make, install, maintain or permit to exist any cross connection unless it is protected by an approved backflow prevention assembly or approved backflow prevention method as required by this part. (Ord. 09-43; Ord. 17-42)