A. The owner shall provide a separate and independent domestic service line, and an individual meter shall be provided from mains for each and every structurally independent residential, commercial, or industrial building, whether or not they are on a single platted lot under common ownership, unless the Utilities, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, may determine that other means are more suitable in the operation of its system.
B. Where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot which cannot be subdivided, the domestic service line from the front building may, upon application to Utilities, be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one water service. If the buildings become separately owned, Utilities will be under no obligation to furnish water to independent metered connections without payment of charges required by applicable tariffs or this Code.
C. When a water main extension must be made onto private property for the installation of fire protection facilities, the installation plans shall be submitted to the Colorado Springs Fire Department and Utilities for approval. The main extension and all other appurtenant fire safety systems installed by the owner/developer of the property shall remain the property of the property owner/developer and shall be maintained in accord with section 12.4.410 of this part. Upon approval by Utilities and the Colorado Springs Fire Department, these lines may also be used as private water service lines to furnish one or more buildings with their domestic water supply.
D. The City does not assume any obligation nor acquire any liability whatsoever for damage to the connecting property or any portion thereof or to any other properties caused by or resulting from any connection to the water supply system as aforementioned, or from the failure of the service line, except as specifically set forth in the water service standard specifications. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
The size, slope, alignment and materials of construction of a service line, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing, backfilling and inspection of a trench shall all conform to the requirements of the Building and Plumbing Codes 1 and water service standard specifications and other applicable rules and regulations of the City. Additionally, all existing and new service lines shall conform to the requirements of the water service quality control regulations. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
1 | 1. For Plumbing Code, see the City's Zoning Code, chapter 7 of this Code. |
A. All service lines for connection to the water supply system shall be installed in accord with the provisions of this article and of water service standard specifications.
B. All service lines and pipes appurtenant thereto which are laid in streets, alleys or other public grounds shall be of type "K" copper, unless otherwise provided in the water service standard specifications.
C. All service lines shall be connected to a curb stopcock so that water may be shut off from the service line at any time. The stopcock shall be level with the adjacent ground surface and shall be protected by an adjustable iron box or cylinder not less than five feet (5') in length. All stopcocks shall be furnished by the City and paid for by the applicant for water service.
D. A water pressure regulator shall be installed in each service line connected to a distribution main owned by Utilities. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
Responsibility for the maintenance and replacement of the service line and appurtenances thereto, in public rights-of-way, generally between the connection to the distribution main and the property line or the curb stop if the curb stop is on or near the property line, shall be borne by Utilities. Responsibility for the maintenance and replacement of the service line and appurtenances thereto, from the property line or curb stop if the curb stop is on or near the property line, shall be borne by the owner of the premises. The owner shall keep the service line and all pipes and fixtures on the owner's premises in good repair so as to prevent waste of water. Where more than one premises are connected to a single service line, the owners of the respective premises shall be jointly and severally responsible for maintenance and repair of the service line which is the owner's responsibility. Maintenance and replacement of the service line within private rights-of-way or private easements is the responsibility of the owner. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42)
A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, all meter pits shall be constructed and maintained by the property owner in compliance with the requirements of the water service standard specifications.
B. Existing meter pits not originally constructed in compliance with the requirements of the water service standard specifications, which contain five-eighths inch (5/8") through one inch (1") water meters, shall be replaced with new meter pits meeting the requirements of the water service standard specifications at the expense of Utilities as funds are determined to be available by the Chief Executive Officer and in the manner determined by the Chief Executive Officer, provided, however, that the replacement of the meter pits shall be accomplished only with the consent of the affected customer. Upon completion of the installation, the replacement pits shall become property of the affected customer, who shall thereafter be responsible for maintenance. If the customer does not consent to the replacement, the customer's water service may be subject to termination for violation of subsection A of this section. The requirements of this section shall not create any duty of care on behalf of Utilities or the City for benefit of any person. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
A. If Utilities discovers any meter pit to be out of compliance with the requirements of the water service standard specifications, written notice thereof shall be given to the property owner and customer of record by certified mail, return receipt requested. If the meter pit is not brought into compliance with the requirements of the water service standard specifications, water service to the premises served thereby may be interrupted as provided in applicable tariffs.
B. In order for the water service to be reconnected to the premises where the meter pit has not been brought into compliance with the requirements of the water service standard specifications, the customer, user or owner shall first make arrangements satisfactory to the Chief Executive Officer for bringing the meter pit into compliance and shall pay the following charges to Utilities prior to reconnection:
1. The cost of repairing or replacing any damaged Utilities equipment;
2. Actual or estimated damages incurred by Utilities or the City as a result of the meter pit's noncompliance; and
3. Cost of investigation and enforcement. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
Distribution mains to supply and distribute water to and throughout areas or additions shall be extended by the owner or developer of premises to be served by the lines from the existing distribution main to the point or points of the property line of the premises farthest from the existing distribution main. The extension requirement may be waived by the Chief Executive Officer in the event that the Chief Executive Officer determines that extension to the farthest point from the existing distribution main is not necessary for the efficient expansion of the water supply system. In any event, distribution mains shall be extended by the owner or developer of premises to be served by the mains to a point which permits the shortest possible service line between the distribution main and the property line of the premises served thereby. Thereafter the distribution mains shall be extended to adjoining premises in compliance with the latest edition of "Standard Specifications For Water Main Installations" as promulgated, supplemented and amended by the Chief Executive Officer. Extensions shall not be made for remote or isolated service unless the applicant requesting the service shall provide for the cost of the extension to the point of service and the extension is approved by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
No water distribution main or service line shall be laid or placed in any proposed addition or subdivision within the City until the addition or subdivision is platted and approved in accord with chapter 7 of this Code; except the Chief Executive Officer may approve the installation of water facilities after final approval of the final plat, but prior to the recording of the plat, upon the request of the owner subject to an agreement as prescribed by the Chief Executive Officer. (Ord. 98-173; Ord. 01-42; Ord. 18-42)
1 | 1. Waiver of subdivision requirements may be granted only by the City Council under the provisions of chapter 7 of this Code. |