(A) The final plat stage includes submittal, review and approval of the final plat and required supporting documents by the Town Council, and recording of the plat with the County Recorder.
(B) The final plat shall be prepared by a licensed professional surveyor. Evaluation of the final plat shall include the following steps:
(1) Review of final plat. Unlike the preliminary plat, the final plat is not reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission unless substantial changes have been proposed since the Council approval of the preliminary plat, as determined by the Planning and Zoning Director;
(2) Council review of final plat and other materials. The Town Council shall not approve the final plat of subdivision until they are satisfied that all requirements of final plat approval have been satisfactorily addressed as advised by the Planning and Zoning Director. The review of the final plat by the Town Council also includes the approval of the associated subdivision construction plans and assurances for the required site improvements; and
(3) Recordation. The final plat must be recorded with the Mohave County Recorder before lots can be sold and transferred. The Planning and Zoning Director will not record the plat until all requirements of final plat approval have been addressed including payment of the recording fees to the Town by the Subdivider as provided for herein.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(1) The preliminary subdivision plat, as approved, with only minor authorized changes allowed and with any stipulations attached thereto;
(2) These regulations; and
(3) Any applicable town ordinance or regulation and state or federal laws.
(B) For any approved preliminary subdivision plat, the final plat may be submitted in phases with each phase processed and recorded as a separate final plat. However, the initial final plat shall include the entire area of the preliminary plat with the respective future final plat phases identified as future development phases.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) Submittal. A complete submittal shall include a digital copy of the final plat, in a format determined by the Planning Zoning Director. If any reviewing agencies or departments request a printed copy the applicant shall provide a blueline or blackline copy scaled to fit on a 24-inch by 36- inch sheet and accompanying documents to the Town of Colorado City Planning and Zoning Department. The final plat of subdivision shall also be submitted digitally in an electronic file format containing the documents in a format acceptable to Colorado City (i.e. AutoCAD, dwg or dxf format as well as pdf format). The submittal will not be scheduled to be considered by the Town Council unless it contains all of the required information and is found to be in compliance with all applicable requirements.
(B) Index. When a final plat consists of 3 or more sheets, a key map showing the relation of the sheets shall be placed on each sheet.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)
(A) Material. At the time of submitting the final plat with the planning staff, the subdivider shall also file therewith the following accompanying material.
(B) Title report. An updated title report or a policy of title insurance issued by a title insurance company within the preceding 30 working days to the owner of the land, covering the entire area of land included within the subdivision and showing all record owners, liens and encumbrances. The title report shall contain the status of legal access to the proposed subdivision and identify any parcels which do not have legal access.
(C) Deed restrictions. Any covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC and R’s) to be recorded shall be submitted with the final plat. The town is not responsible for enforcement of deed restrictions. Submittal of the proposed covenants, conditions and restrictions is required in order to address land use issues which may arise in the review of the subdivision proposal.
(D) Construction plans. The construction plans of all improvements, including a Storm Water Management Plan (both on-site and off-site), shall be submitted with the final plat. Plans shall have a minimum scale of 1 inch=50 feet on a sheet size of 22 inches by 34 inches. Separate detail sheets shall be provided at the discretion of the engineer of record or as required by the Town Engineer, to show standard and special construction details. All details and sections shall be fully depicted and dimensioned to allow for construction of the proposed improvements in accordance with the intent of the approved design.
(E) Construction cost estimates. The Engineer’s cost estimate for constructing all the required improvements, signed and sealed by a professional engineer who is registered to practice in the State of Arizona, must be provided with the final plat if a bond or letter of credit form of assurance is being proposed.
(1) The method and type of assurance, including the cost estimate (if applicable), shall be approved by the Town Engineer and Town Attorney prior to Town Council approval of the final plat.
(F) Fee. The fee(s) for processing and review of the final subdivision plat and supporting documents, as adopted by Council resolution, shall be submitted with the plat and plans to initiate the review process.
(G) Private street maintenance. If private streets are proposed in the development, then provisions for perpetual street maintenance shall be provided for in a manner acceptable to the Colorado City Town Council and shall be submitted with the final subdivision plat.
(H) Final drainage report.
(1) A final drainage report shall be submitted in conjunction with final plat and improvement construction plans. The final plat grading plan and drainage report will show, with drawn directional arrows, how each individual lot, within the area covered by the final plat, will drain to an approved point or points of discharge. In general, drainage from individual lots should discharge to the street, or approved discharge point otherwise shown, or be retained on the lot. If an approved discharge point is across another lot, then a drainage easement shall be shown on the final plat map.
(2) The purpose of the final drainage report is to update and finalize the drainage concepts, provide all information not previously provided, and to present the specific design details for the drainage facilities.
(I) Arizona Department of Real Estate. The subdivider’s draft public report shall be submitted to the town and the Arizona Department of Real Estate. The report may not be required for nonresidential subdivisions as determined by the Planning and Zoning Director in consultation with the Arizona Department of Real Estate.
(J) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. An ADEQ certificate of approval of sanitary facilities are required. ADEQ approvals are required for construction of drinking water facilities (approval to construct certificate). Other ADEQ approvals and permits may be necessary.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)
(A) Presentation. Presentation of the plat shall be neat, clear, legible and complete in all respects and shall be sufficiently detailed convey all required information.
(B) Standards for original transparency, graphics and signatures. In addition to all other submittals required by this chapter, the final plat shall be submitted on 3 transparent reproducible polyester film originals (1 each for the town, subdivider and County Recorder); and shall be on a sheet or sheets measuring 24 by 36 inches, with a left margin of 2 inches and remaining margins of 1/2 inch, and include a block for recorder's information. The plat shall be drawn to an accurate scale not to exceed 100 feet to the inch (1 inch = 100 feet).The final plat shall include dedications, affidavits, certificates and acknowledgments with a minimum font size of 11 points. Any highlighted areas (e.g. abandonments) shall be cross-hatched, rather than blocked-out. All stamped or written matter, including signatures, shall be made with opaque ink so that legible blue line prints may be obtained therefrom. Red ink is not permitted. All final plats shall be drawn to reasonable accuracy standards, consistent with acceptable professional standards.
(C) Sheet details. Every sheet comprising the plat shall bear the title (but not subtitle on subsequent sheets), scale (both graphic and equivalent inch to feet), north point, legend, date of plat preparation, sheet number, and the total number of sheets comprising the final plat. Its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown. The basis of bearings shall also be noted in the legend.
(D) Title specifics and locator map. The title of each plat shall consist of the subdivision name placed at the top of each sheet. Below the title on the first sheet shall appear a subtitle consisting of a general description of all the property being subdivided by reference to governmental subdivisions or portions thereof; by section(s), townships and range; or by reference to subdivision plat previously recorded in the office of the Recorder of Mohave County. In addition, a small scale location or vicinity map, showing the relative location of the subdivision with respect to township, range, section and any access streets, shall be shown on the face sheet.
(E) Basis for legal description. Location and description of section and/or quarter corner, either found or set, and ties to such corners, all dimensions, angles, bearings, basis of bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred to, indicated and referenced on the plat sheets. Boundaries of the tract to be subdivided shall be fully balanced and closed, showing all bearings and distances determined by an accurate survey in the field. Corners of the subdivision shall be noted, and monuments found or set shall be indicated and described; 2 corners of the subdivision traverse shall be tied by course and distance to separate section corners or quarter section corners or other survey monuments acceptable to the Town Engineer.
(F) Boundaries and bearings. Tract boundary lines, lot and parcel lines, easement lines, street centerlines and section lines, all showing accurate bearings and dimensions with dimensions expressed (rounded) in feet and decimals thereof to the hundredth, shall be shown on the final plat.
(G) Area totals. The final plat will include the total area of the subdivision, and the area of each lot to the nearest hundredth of an acre if greater than 1 acre or the area in square feet if less than 1 acre.
(H) Measurements. Width of street rights-of-way, width of easements and indication of their purpose, angles, curve radius, tangent and length of all curves shall be shown on the final plat.
(I) Locations of monuments and identification of benchmark elevations. The final plat shall show the location and description of existing, found, or set monuments, such as section corners and subdivision boundary corners, lot corners, elevation of bench marks for a condominium development, and rights-of-way and easements, if any.
(1) The legend shall specify the type of monuments found and/or set.
(2) The final plat shall indicate if the lot corner monuments have been or are to be set. If they are not set, a cost estimate to set all monuments and assurance must be provided.
(J) Contiguous subdivisions, easements and rights-of-way. Where there are contiguous developments, show name of the subdivision with reference of recording information, street right-of-way lines, street names, street width, easements clearly dimensioned, labeled and identified, if any, and note if the parcel is unsubdivided. Easements shall be clearly dimensioned, labeled and identified, and, if already of record, properly referenced to the recording information. If any easement is not definitively located of record, a statement of the non-recorded easement shall appear on the title sheet.
(K) Subdivision boundary. The boundary of the subdivision shall be indicated by a heavy line, recognizable as a border clearly showing the boundary of the subdivision, and all of the property being offered for dedication for public use and/or as easements. This bold boundary line shall not interfere with the legibility of figures or other data.
(L) Excepted parcels. Any excepted parcel(s) within the plat boundary shall be accurately depicted by bearings and distances on the plat. Excepted parcels are properties which have been excluded from the subdivision plat.
(M) Lot layout. Each lot shall be numbered as per the approved preliminary plat and each block may be numbered or lettered. Each street shall be named. All lots not intended for sale or resale for private purposes, and all parcels offered for dedication for any purpose, public or private, and any private streets permitted shall be so designated. Label and identify all lots, parcels, tracts, excepted parcels and the like, for ease of identification, description and to ensure no misunderstanding about intended use, ownership or maintenance.
(N) Floodplain and drainage easements. The limits of any 100-year floodplain identified using the standards set forth by the Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources Requirement for Floodplain Delineation in Riverine Environments, shall be illustrated and dimensioned in the final plat.
(1) The lowest allowable finished floor elevation shall be shown on each lot that is impacted by the floodplain. A note shall be placed on the plat indicating that floodplain limits, base flood elevations and regulatory elevations may be revised by subsequent studies performed or approved by the local, state or federal authorities.
(2) Final plats shall show all drainage easements in conformance with the approved preliminary plat along with the associated dedication language. The actual dedication language should be related to the type of drainage facility and method of maintenance.
(O) Engineer's information. The final plat shall contain the name and registration number of the registered professional civil engineer that is responsible for the engineering that is necessary in preparation of the proposed subdivision improvement plans.
(P) Other data. The plat shall also any show and all other data required by law.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) Certifications and signature blocks included. The final plat shall include the following (or substantially corresponding) certifications and signature blocks.
(B) Final plat ratification and dedication certificate. The subdivider shall provide a certification or ratification statement signed and acknowledged by all parties having any record title interest in the land subdivided consenting to the preparation and recordation of the plat. Rights-of-way, easements or other interests may be acknowledged by endorsements on the plat.
(C) Certificate of land surveyor. A certificate for execution by the land surveyor of record shall be provided on the plat as follows:
This is to certify that the boundary survey and dividing of the property described and platted hereon was made under my direction and supervision and is accurately represented on this plat. I also certify that the plat is in substantial conformance to the approved preliminary plat and that this plat is correct and accurate as shown.
_______________________________ ___________________________________
Registered Land Surveyor Date, Registration Number, Seal
(D) Certificate of Town Engineer, Public Works Director and others. A certificate shall be provided on the plat for signature by the Town Engineer, Town Public Works Director, County Environmental Services Director (if needed) and County Flood Control District Administrator (if needed) as follows:
This plat has been checked for conformance to the approved preliminary plat, and any special conditions attached thereto, to the requirements of the Town of Colorado City Land Division Ordinance, and to any other applicable regulations, and it appears to comply with all requirements within my jurisdiction to check and evaluate.
________________________________ ___________________________________
By (Title) Date
(E) Mayor's endorsement. An endorsement certificate shall be provided on the plat for signature by the Town Mayor as follows:
The Colorado City Town Council reviewed and approved this plat, subject to stipulations on ________________, and accepted on behalf of the public all parcels of land offered for dedication for public use in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication, and received satisfactory assurance necessary to guarantee completion of all required improvements.
Colorado City Mayor
Attest: ________________________________ SEAL
Colorado City Town Clerk
(F) Town Attorney. A certificate shall be provided on the plat for signature by the Town Attorney as follows:
I hereby certify that my office has reviewed this subdivision plat and approve it as to form.
_________________________________ ___________________
By (Town Attorney) Date
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)
(A) Distribution and agency review. The staff shall refer prints of the final plat and supporting documents to the Town Engineer, and other reviewing or interested agencies, for their evaluations as to conformance of this plat to the approved preliminary subdivision plat, Town of Colorado City subdivision regulations and all other applicable town requirements. The head of each town department who has received a copy of the final plat and applicable supporting plans and documents, and who has been requested to reply, will determine whether or not the material is acceptable and will transmit a statement thereon to the Planning and Zoning Director. Failure of any department or reviewing entity to reply within the time specified will be interpreted as no objection taken by the department to the approval of the final plat as submitted.
(B) Response. The Planning and Zoning Director shall inform the subdivider of any changes or additions necessary to the final plat and supporting plans and documents.
(C) Corrections. If significant changes or additions are necessary, such as a significant design variation from the approved preliminary plat, revised submitals as required in § 153.058(A) above, shall be submitted as for a new final plat submittal.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014; Am. Ord. 2021-06, passed - -)