(A)   Following approval of the preliminary plat, a final plat shall be prepared in accordance with the time limit established under §§ 153.035 through 153.043 above and in accordance with the following:
      (1)   The preliminary subdivision plat, as approved, with only minor authorized changes allowed and with any stipulations attached thereto;
      (2)   These regulations; and
      (3)   Any applicable town ordinance or regulation and state or federal laws.
   (B)   For any approved preliminary subdivision plat, the final plat may be submitted in phases with each phase processed and recorded as a separate final plat. However, the initial final plat shall include the entire area of the preliminary plat with the respective future final plat phases identified as future development phases.
(Ord. 2007-2, passed 5-29-2007; Am. Ord. 2014-02, passed 12-15-2014)