(A)   Upon the denial, suspension, or revocation of a commercial solicitation permit by the Town Clerk, the applicant or permit holder shall be entitled to a hearing before the Board of Mayor and Alderman in accordance with the following:
      (1)   A request for a hearing shall be in writing, setting forth fully the grounds for the appeal, and filed with the Town Administrator within 20 days of the Town Clerk’s decision to deny an initial application or renewal, or to suspend or revoke a permit.
      (2)   The Town Clerk shall notify the applicant or permit holder by United States mail of the hearing date.
      (3)   The hearing date shall fall within 25 days from the date the Town Clerk receives the request, unless the applicant requests a later date and the Town Clerk grants the request.
      (4)   The applicant or permit holder is considered notified upon publication of the hearing date by the Town Clerk.
      (5)   At the hearing, the applicant or permit holder may present evidence as to why his/her initial application or renewal should not be denied, or why his/her permit should not be suspended or revoked.
      (6)   The Town Clerk has the authority to subpoena witnesses to testify at such hearings.
      (7)   Within five days of the hearing, the Board of Mayor and Alderman shall state in writing the reason for the Board’s decision that will either affirm or reject the denial of an initial application, renewal, suspension, or the revocation of a permit and mail it by United States mail to the address of the applicant as listed on the application.
   (B)   Any denial after a hearing of an initial application for a permit may be appealed by writ of certiorari to the Circuit or Chancery Courts of Shelby County within 60 days from the date of the hearing.
(Ord. 2015-14, passed 8-10-15)