It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person over the age of 18 to aid or abet a minor in the violation of § 131.02.
(Ord. passed 8-12-2004)
If the custodian of a minor found to be in violation of this chapter refuses to take custody of the minor, the officer having custody of the minor child shall contact County Department of Social Services and release the minor to the Agency, pending further investigation by the Police Department and the Department of Social Services. The custodian may be issued a criminal citation charging him or her with a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. passed 8-12-2004)
(A) When a minor is found to be in violation of this chapter, a police officer will check with the County Communication Center and the records of the Police Department to determine if the minor is a first offender. If the minor is a first time offender, he or she will be taken to the residence of his or her custodian. A written warning will be given to the custodian and an information report will be taken by the officer. The report shall include the name of the minor and the custodian, the time, date and location of the offense. This report will be turned into the Police Department Records Division.
(B) If, upon checking with the County Communication Center and the records of the Coats Police Department, the minor is found to be a repeat offender, he or she will be taken to the residence of his or her custodian and the custodian may be issued a criminal citation charging him or her with a violation of this chapter. A report will be turned in to the communications center and entered into the Police Department Records Division.
(C) If the minor is found to be a repeat offender, the minor may be treated as a delinquent juvenile.
(D) If the minor is under 12 years of age, a report will be made and a copy forwarded to the County Department of Social Services.
(Ord. passed 8-12-2004)