General Provisions
130.01 Firearms regulated
130.02 Fire bombs prohibited
130.03 Posting of bills
130.04 Drinking in public
130.05 Public parks and recreational facilities; sex offenders prohibited
Obstructing Public Ways
130.20 Assembly on sidewalk
130.21 Display of goods prohibited
130.22 Placing objects on street and sidewalks
130.23 Construction near sidewalk
130.24 Sheds and awnings
Maintenance of Public Spaces
130.40 Littering prohibited
130.41 Privately-owned spaces used by the public
Posting of Signs on Municipal Property Regarding Carrying Concealed Weapons
130.50 Purpose and authority
130.51 Posting of signs required
130.52 Location of signs
Solid waste management, see Ch. 50
Additional street and sidewalk regulations, see Ch. 95