Whenever a police officer has reasonable cause to believe that a person has violated any provision of the traffic code, such officer may:
1. Immediate Arrest. Immediately arrest such person and take such person before a local magistrate; or
2. Issue Citation. Without arresting the person, prepare in quintuplicate a uniform traffic citation and complaint as adopted by the State Commissioner of Public Safety and deliver the original and a copy to the court where the defendant is to appear, two copies to the defendant and retain the fifth copy for the records of the City; or
(Code of Iowa, Secs. 805.6 and 321.485)
3. Notice to Appear; Promise to Appear. Proceed as provided in Section 6-1-13 of this chapter; or
4. Simple Notice of Fine. In the case of violations of Chapter 4 “Parking Regulations,” of this title, without arresting the person, prepare in triplicate a simple notice of fine as provided herein. Deliver one copy thereof to the person so charged, or attach it to the vehicle parked in violation of such chapter as provided in Section 6-1-9 of this chapter, as a notice of violation and promise to appear; the original shall be sworn to by the police officer as a complaint and filed in the office of either the Clerk or the Clerk of the District Court in and for Polk County or Dallas County as the Council has by resolution, appointed and directed pursuant to Section 6-1-11 of this chapter; and another copy shall be delivered to and retained by the Police Department for the records of the City.
(Code of Iowa, Secs. 805.6, 805.8, 321.236, and 321.485)