806.01 Auto wash rack and motor vehicle laundry defined.
806.02 License required; application; issuance; effective period; transfers.
806.03 Duties of owners and operators.
806.04 Unlawful acts of persons on premises.
806.05 Hours of operation.
806.06 Revocation of license.
806.99 Penalty.
Ordinances regulating licensing - see Michigan Charter Township Act (Act 359 of 1947)
Motor vehicle service and repairs - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 257.1301 et seq.
Filling stations in residential districts - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 750.501
"Auto wash rack" and "motor vehicle laundry" are hereby defined to be a business establishment in which the principal operation of such business is the cleaning and washing of automobiles and/or motor vehicles of any type or description, including, but not limited to, such business where facilities are provided for coin-operated or self-service washing or cleaning of motor vehicles.
(Ord. 193. Passed 9-22-65.)
(a) No person, firm or corporation shall operate or engage in the auto wash rack or motor vehicle laundry business within the Township of Clinton, Macomb County, Michigan, without a license as herein provided. A separate license shall be required for each such business location. The Township Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a license upon submission by the applicant of a written application on forms to be provided by the Township Clerk and upon compliance by the applicant with the following requirements:
(1) The application shall be accompanied by written detailed plans showing the layout of land to be used, the location of any and all structures erected or to be erected thereon, drainage, and driveways for ingress and egress. The Township Clerk shall submit all such plans to the Township Engineer for his or her approval prior to granting of the license.
(2) The application shall be accompanied by a brief written statement of the method of operation of such business including whether or not it will be attended during business hours by the owner or some person on his or her behalf.
(3) The application shall be accompanied by payment of an annual license fee in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(b) All licenses issued under this chapter shall be for a period of one year expiring on December 31 of each year. The Township Clerk is hereby authorized to issue a renewal license upon expiration of the initial license upon written application on forms to be provided by the Township Clerk accompanied by a renewal license fee as provided in the fee schedule, and a determination by the Township Clerk that the applicant is fully complying with all of the provisions of this chapter, and other ordinances of the Township. No license may be transferred, except upon written application upon forms furnished by the Township Clerk and payment of a transfer fee as provided in the fee schedule, and in completion by the transferee of information in an initial application. Prior to such transfer, the Township Clerk shall determine whether the business is complying with the provisions of this chapter, and no transfer shall occur until full compliance.
(Ord. 193. Passed 9-22-65; Ord. 447. Passed 1-14-19.)
It shall be the duty of the owner and/or operator of any auto wash rack or motor vehicle laundry to:
(a) Keep the premises of such business in a neat and clean condition and free of debris and litter of all types and kinds.
(b) Prevent any loud or boisterous noises from the premises of such business, including, but not limited to, such noises by persons congregating thereon or by the playing of recording instruments, radios and/or television sets or other sound-reproducing equipment, including automobile horns.
(c) Prevent any rowdiness or loitering on such premises and otherwise maintain peace, order and safety on such premises.
(d) Prevent any unnecessary racing of motor vehicle engines and operation of any motor vehicle in a dangerous or unnecessarily loud manner, including, but not limited to, screeching of tires and circling or driving around such business premises except for the purpose of ingress and egress.
(e) Prevent the consumption of any beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages on such premises, except as an incident of retail sale of such beverages pursuant to proper license for such sale by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
(f) Post in a conspicuous place on the premises a summary of the provisions of Section 806.04.
(Ord. 193. Passed 9-22-65.)
It shall be unlawful for any patron or other person on the premises of such business to:
(a) Deposit or place thereon any debris or litter except in such containers as may be provided thereon for the collection of such materials.
(b) Loiter or engage in any boisterous conduct or otherwise cause any unnecessary or loud noise on such business premises, including, but not limited to, the playing of recording instruments, radios and/or television sets or other sound reproducing equipment, and the blowing of automobile horns except when necessary in the interest of safety of any person thereon.
(c) Cause the unnecessary racing of a motor vehicle engine or any other unnecessary noise resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle, including, but not limited to, the screeching of tires and circling or driving around the premises except for the purpose of ingress thereto and egress therefrom.
(d) Consume any beer, wine or other alcoholic beverage or have in his or her possession any open bottle, can or receptacle containing such beverage. Further, no person under the full age of twenty-one years shall be in possession and/or control of any such alcoholic beverage in any motor vehicle or other place on such premises unless such person is employed by a licensee of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission and such possession and/or control is in the course of his or her regular employment.
(e) Engage in any other act or conduct which causes or tends to cause unnecessary noise or disturbs the public peace, safety and welfare.
(Ord. 193. Passed 9-22-65.)
No auto wash rack or motor vehicle laundry, as defined in Section 806.01, excluding coin-operated or self-service washing or cleaning facilities, shall be open for business or otherwise operate between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following day.
(Ord. 319. Passed 12-22-97.)