It shall be the duty of the owner and/or operator of any auto wash rack or motor vehicle laundry to:
   (a)   Keep the premises of such business in a neat and clean condition and free of debris and litter of all types and kinds.
   (b)   Prevent any loud or boisterous noises from the premises of such business, including, but not limited to, such noises by persons congregating thereon or by the playing of recording instruments, radios and/or television sets or other sound-reproducing equipment, including automobile horns.
   (c)   Prevent any rowdiness or loitering on such premises and otherwise maintain peace, order and safety on such premises.
   (d)   Prevent any unnecessary racing of motor vehicle engines and operation of any motor vehicle in a dangerous or unnecessarily loud manner, including, but not limited to, screeching of tires and circling or driving around such business premises except for the purpose of ingress and egress.
   (e)   Prevent the consumption of any beer, wine or other alcoholic beverages on such premises, except as an incident of retail sale of such beverages pursuant to proper license for such sale by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission.
   (f)   Post in a conspicuous place on the premises a summary of the provisions of Section 806.04.
(Ord. 193. Passed 9-22-65.)