Pool Rooms and Billiard Halls
860.01   Title.
860.02   Purpose.
860.03   Person defined.
860.04   Pool room and billiard hall defined.
860.05   Application for and grant of permit.
860.06   Proceedings and causes for revocation of permit.
860.07   Hours of operation.
860.99   Penalty.
   Minors - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 722.51 et seq., 750.141
   Ordinances - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 750.141
   Gambling - see M.C.L.A. Sec. 750.305a; GEN. OFF. Ch. 630
   Sale of alcoholic beverages to minors - see GEN. OFF. 608.01
   Minor's curfew - see GEN. OFF. 658.02
   Coin-operated amusement devices - see B.R. & T. Ch. 814
860.01   TITLE.
   This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Clinton Township Pool Room Chapter."
(Ord. 192. Passed 12-30-64.)
860.02   PURPOSE.
The purpose of this chapter is to secure the public health and safety of persons and property therein, and the general welfare of the residents and property owners of Clinton Township, Macomb County, Michigan, by the licensing and regulation of the conduct of persons and the operation of all pool rooms or billiard halls located in and being operated within the unincorporated limits of the Township of Clinton, Macomb County, Michigan.
(Ord. 192. Passed 12-30-64.)