Commercial and Noncommercial Solicitors
   EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter, previously titled Transient Merchants, Peddlers, Outdoor Shopkeepers and Distributors, was repealed and re-enacted in its entirety by Ordinance 308, passed March 20, 1995.
882.01   Definitions.
882.02   Commercial solicitations.
882.03   Noncommercial solicitations.
882.04   Commercial solicitation licenses; procedures for issuance; revocation; appeals.
882.05   Registration for noncommercial solicitation.
882.06   Records; enforcement.
882.07   Violations as nuisances; abatement.
882.08   Entry upon private property expressly requesting no solicitation.
882.09   List of noncommercial solicitors.
882.99   Penalty.
   Hawkers and peddlers generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 445.371 et seq.
   Transient merchants generally - see M.C.L.A. Secs. 445.371 et seq.
   Vending on Metropolitan Parkway - see GEN. OFF. 656.06
   Peddling in loud and boisterous manner - see GEN. OFF. 664.07(a)(5)
   Sales of new and used cars from public and private property - see B.R. & T. 886.10 et seq.
   Outdoor sales - see P. & Z. 1299.01(m)