156.01 Legal authority; findings of fact; purpose
156.02 Definitions
156.03 Lands to which chapter applies
156.04 Rules for interpretation of district boundaries
156.05 Compliance
156.06 Abrogation and greater restrictions
156.07 Interpretation
156.08 Warning and disclaimer of liability
156.09 Establishment of zoning (overlay) districts
156.10 Floodway District (FW)
156.11 Floodway Fringe District (FF)
156.12 General Floodplain District (FP)
156.13 Shallow Flooding District (SF)
156.14 Administration
156.15 Floodplain development permit required
156.16 Application for permit
156.17 Action on application
156.18 Construction and use to be as provided in application and plans
156.19 Conditional uses; appeals and variances
156.20 Hearings and decisions of the Board of Adjustment
156.21 Factors upon which the decision to grant variances shall be based
156.22 Conditions attached to variances
156.23 Appeals to the court
156.24 Nonconforming uses
156.25 Amendments
156.26 Severability
156.99 Penalty