As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings ascribed to them.
   (a)   "Billiards" means any of the several games played on a table surrounded by, enclosed by, or containing an elastic ledge or cushions with balls which are impelled by a cue or similar instrument, and includes all forms of the game known as "pool", "pocket billiards", "billiards" and all similar games.
   (b)   "Billiard room" means any public room or place wherein the game of billiards is permitted to be played.
   (c)   "Bowling" means the process of striking down pins or similar objects by means of rolling a ball over and along a prepared surface.
   (d)   "Bowling alley" means any public room or place wherein bowling is permitted to be played or engaged in.
   (e)   "Person" includes any natural person, society, club, firm or corporation.
      (Ord. 9-1964. Passed 4-6-64.)