As used in this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
   (a)   "Air pollutant" means particulate matter, dust, fumes, gas, mist, smoke, vapor or odorous substances, or any combination thereof.
   (b)   "Air pollution" means the presence in the ambient air of one (1) or more air pollutants or any combination thereof in sufficient quantity and of such characteristics and duration as is or threatens to be injurious to human health or welfare, plant or animal life, or property, or which interferes with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
   (c)   "Ambient air" means that portion of the atmosphere outside of buildings and other enclosures, stacks or ducts which surround human, plant or animal life, or property.
   (d)   "Emission" means the act of releasing or discharging any air pollutant into the ambient air from any source.
   (e)   "Fuel-burning equipment" means any furnace, boiler, apparatus, stack and all appurtenances thereto, used in the process of burning fuel for the primary purpose of producing heat or power by indirect heat transfer.
   (f)   "Incinerator" means any equipment, machine, device, article, contrivance, structure or part thereof used to burn refuse or to process refuse material by burning other than by open burning.
   (g)   "Open burning" means the burning of any matter in such a manner that the products of combustion resulting from the burning are emitted directly into the ambient air without passing through an adequate stack, duct or chimney.
   (h)   "Refuse" includes garbage, rubbish, trade wastes, leaves, salvable material, agricultural wastes and other wastes.
   (i)   "Ringelmann Chart" means the chart published and described in the United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8333 of May, 1967.
      (Ord. 57-1973. Passed 11-19-73; Ord. 8-2019. Passed 2-4-19.)