The name of any elector of the City shall be printed upon the ballot if there is filed with the election authorities prescribed by general law a petition in accordance with the following requirements:
   (a)   Such petition shall state the name and place of residence of the person whose name is presented for a place upon the ballot and the name of the office for which he is a candidate. The nomination of each candidate shall be made by separate petition.
   (b)   Such petition shall be signed by electors of the Municipality equal in number to not less than two percent of the total number of voters voting at the last regular election of municipal officers.
   (c)   Each elector signing a petition shall add to his signature his place of residence, with street and number and date of signing. No elector shall sign more nominating petitions for different candidates for a particular office than there are positions to be filled for that office at the election for which the petition is signed. If he does so, his signatures on all petitions which postdate his signing the permissible number of petitions shall be invalid. All signatures shall be made with ink.
   (d)   The signature of all petitioners need not be appended to one paper, but to each separate paper there shall be attached a signed statement of the circulator thereof, made under penalty of election falsification, stating the number of signers thereto, that each person signed in the circulator's presence on the date mentioned, and that the signature is that of the person whose name it appears to be.
   (e)   Such petition shall not be signed by any electors more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date established in Seciton VII-1 for the primary election that is required to be held when there are three or more candidates certified for the office of Mayor, and such petitions shall be filed with the election authorities prescribed by general law not later than 4:00 p.m. on the ninetieth (90th) day prior to the date set for that primary election, regardless of whether or not a primary is actually required to be held for a Mayoral election. This section shall become effective January 1, 2021.
(Amended 11-8-16; 11-3-20)