To serve as Mayor a person must have resided and been an elector of the City of Cleveland Heights for at least eighteen months immediately preceding that election, and must continue to be a resident and elector of the City while holding office. The Mayor shall serve the City on a full-time basis. No person shall be the Mayor who holds any employment with the City of Cleveland Heights, the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District, or the East Cleveland School District, or who holds any elected public office other than that of precinct committee person or State Central committee person. While the Mayor’s primary responsibility,
time and attention is to be directed to the business of the City, holding the office of Mayor does not necessarily preclude limited outside employment or other outside work by the person holding the office, provided that outside employment or work does not conflict or interfere with carrying out the duties assigned by this Charter or general law, or otherwise violate any provision of this Charter or general law.
   This section shall become effective January 1, 2021.
(Amended 11-5-19.)