Any application on a property with an existing residential building that will not be providing the requisite enclosed parking spaces as indicated in Schedule 1161.03 shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission based upon the regulations and criteria of this section. These exceptions shall not be applicable to new residential construction.
   (a)    Exceptions. The required off-street parking spaces for single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and townhouses shall be enclosed in a detached or attached private parking garage, as indicated in Schedule 1161.03, unless one (1) or more of the following exceptions can be substantiated:
      (i)    The parcel is a legal, non-conforming lot that does not have the requisite minimum lot area or lot width to accommodate a Code-conforming private parking garage.
      (ii)    Special conditions exist specific to the lot that are not applicable generally to other lots in the same Zoning District that render a Code-conforming private parking garage impractical.
      (iii)    If the previously existing private parking garage on the lot was a single-car garage for single-family dwelling, the Zoning Administrator may approve an exception administratively.
      (iv)    If an existing private parking garage structure and associated remnant parking pavement are proposed to be removed and replaced with grass or landscaping, thereby increasing green or open space.
      (v)    If a substantial expansion or addition to the principal structure is proposed.
   (b)    Landscape Plan Required. Any application that will not be providing the requisite enclose private parking spaces shall include a Landscape Plan that addresses stormwater management and minimizes adverse impact on neighboring properties, subject to Chapter 1166 of the Zoning Code.
   (c)    All other provisions of the Codified Ordinances relating to zoning, demolition construction, use and maintenance of residential buildings shall apply, including, but not limited to, impervious surface coverage, yard setbacks, parking pad dimensions, driveway dimensions, parking requirements, and utilization of driveways for parking.
      (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)