The Ohio Fire Code as adopted herein is hereby enlarged in the following respects:
   (a)   Definitions.
      (1)   “Approved” when applied to materials, types of construction, appliances, procedures, transportation or occupancy, means approved by the Bureau of Fire Prevention, as a result of investigations and tests conducted by it or by reason of accepted principles or tests made by the National Fire Protection Association, the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Incorporated, the Underwriters Laboratories, Incorporated, the Factory Mutual System, the National Fire Codes, or the United States Bureau of Standards.
      (2)   “Fire official” means the Fire Warden of the City of Cleveland Heights, appointed by the Fire Chief as Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention of the City, or his authorized representative.
   (b)   Fire Lanes. The Fire Code of the City of Cleveland Heights incorporates the provisions of Chapter 1505 of the Codified Ordinances.
   (c)   Use of Outdoor Grill.
      (1)   No person, tenant, lessee or owner shall kindle or maintain a fire to be used for the preparation of food or for any other purpose in any type of outdoor or portable grill:
         A.   In any structure housing two or more families or on or below any carport, covered porch, overhang, balcony, stairs or fire escape of such a structure; or
         B.   Within ten feet of any structure housing two or more families, with the exception of natural gas fueled cooking appliances and grills when installed in accordance with National Fire Protection Association standards, and other listed appliances and grills approved by a nationally recognized testing laboratory for lesser clearances when used and maintained within the approved clearances.
      (2)   Whoever violates this subsection (c) is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
   (d)   Emergency Power. All required fire protection systems, appliances and devices shall be provided with secondary, emergency power.
   (e)   Lighting.
      (1)   Required stairways, hallways, passageways, and other means of egress, including exterior fire escapes and exterior open spaces to or through which exit-ways lead, shall be kept adequately lighted at all times that the building served thereby is occupied.
      (2)   Each room, hall, area, space or auditorium having a capacity of fifty persons or more, and each place of business, place of assembly, open to the public at any time from sunset to sunrise, and each apartment house shall be provided with emergency lighting and so located and supplied with electrical energy as to provide, with an electrical power failure, emergency illumination without appreciable delay. Such lumination shall consist of one or more of the following:
         A.   An emergency lighting system so designed as to automatically provide the illumination required in this section in the event of failure of normal power due to any fault in the system, or to any failure of the public utility or other outside electric power supply or any manual act such as accidental opening of a switch controlling normal power facilities. Such emergency lighting systems shall be either continuous in operation or capable of repeated automatic operation without manual intervention and may be provided by any method or combination of methods which will produce the desired results.
         B.   Two or more separate and complete systems with independent current supply, each providing emergency lighting. Unless both systems are kept lighted, means shall be provided for automatically lighting each system upon failure of the other.
         C.   Any other installation approved as adequate for the purpose of this section in the manner required by this Code. All emergency lighting systems shall be maintained in a serviceable and operating condition.
         D.   Existing buildings shall comply within one year from the date this Fire Prevention Code is adopted.
   (f)   Filling Underground Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks. No owner or operator of any gasoline service station or any other occupancy maintaining or housing underground flammable liquid storage tanks shall permit, nor shall any tank vehicle driver, fill underground flammable liquid storage tanks on the premises of such gasoline service station or any other occupancy at any time from sunset to sunrise.
   (g)   Fireworks. The manufacture, storage, handling and use of fireworks and explosives shall be regulated as provided in Codified Ordinances Chapter 1509 and Ohio R.C. Chapter 3743. In the event of conflict, Ohio R.C. Chapter 3743 shall govern.
   (h)   Transportation of Hazardous Materials. The transportation of hazardous materials and chemicals, radioactive materials and other dangerous articles by motor vehicles shall be in full compliance with applicable Federal statues, DOT regulations, Ohio statutes and the Ohio Administrative Code.
   (i)   Open burning restrictions are governed by Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 3745-19-03, Subsections (a), (b) and (c) of Section B and Cleveland Heights Codified Ordinance, Section 1779.02. And are amplified by the following section:
      (1)   Allowed open burning includes bonfires, campfires and use of outdoor fireplace equipment, whether for cooking food for human consumption, pleasure, religious, ceremonial, warmth, recreational, or similar purposes, if the following are met:
         A.   They are fueled with clean seasoned firewood, natural gas or equivalent, or any clean burning fuel with emissions that are equivalent to or lower than those created from the burning of seasoned firewood;
         B.   They are not used for waste disposal purposes; and
         C.   They shall have a total fuel area of three feet or less in diameter and two feet or less in height.
         D.   Burning of yard waste, leaves and garden waste is strictly prohibited.
         E.   All such fires shall be located a minimum of twenty-five feet from any structure or combustible material. Conditions which could cause a fire to spread within twenty-five feet of a structure shall be eliminated with the following exception:
            1.   Fires in an approved outdoor fireplace (chiminea) may be located within fifteen feet of a structure provided they are placed on a noncombustible surface such as a concrete patio.
            2.   Outdoor fireplaces (chimineas) are prohibited from use on any wood deck, balconies, or under an overhanging structure.
         F.   A method of extinguishment; garden hose, bucket of sand/dirt/water, or an extinguisher with a minimum rating of 4-A shall be readily available.
         G.   All fires shall be attended constantly until properly extinguished.
         H.   Open burning that will be offensive or objectionable because of smoke or odor emissions due to atmospheric conditions or when local circumstances make such fire hazardous shall be prohibited. The fire department has the authority to order extinguishment of the fire.
(Ord. 108-2014. Passed 9-15-14.)