Pursuant to Section 1351.26, "deteriorated", "ramshackle", "tumbledown", "decaying", "disintegrating" or "in poor repair" mean having failed to pass an inspection for, among others, the following items:
   (a)   Windows.
      (1)   Windows shall not exhibit multiple cracks.
      (2)   Windows shall not exhibit cracks larger than six (6) inches.
      (3)   Windows shall not exhibit cracks which have a bare edge.
      (4)   Windows shall not have missing portions.
      (5)   Storm windows and doors shall have at least two (2) panels.
      (6)   Decorative interior glass work will not be cited unless it presents a safety hazard.
   (b)   Porches.
      (1)   The piers and/or support of porches.
      (2)   The existence of latticework underneath any front porches.
      (3)   Lattice for rear porches or properly maintained ground cover present.
      (4)   The trim.
      (5)   The joists.
      (6)   Floors shall be free of holes or rotted wood.
      (7)   Columns, plinthblocks and capitals.
      (8)   Ceilings shall be free of holes or loose, missing or rotted portions.
      (9)   Properly maintained awning frames.
      (10)   The absence of any water stains.
      (11)   Porches not attached to the main structure.
   (c)   Steps.
      (1)   Steps shall meet the standards of Ohio Basic Building Code Article 8.
      (2)   Exterior steps which have a non-slip surface.
      (3)   Steps shall be free of loose, missing or deteriorated members or portions thereof.
         (Ord. 104-1983. Passed 12-19-83.)