(a)   The owner of any dwelling structure, commercial building structure or other building, or land upon which such buildings are located, entering into an agreement to sell or otherwise convey an interest in such land or building structures, shall obtain from the Commissioner of Buildings a certificate of inspection, and present such certificate or an exact copy thereof to any prospective purchaser or grantee prior to the time of transfer of title to the purchaser, in order to permit the escrow agent to comply with this chapter. The certificate of inspection shall list thereon all known violations of City codes determined from the inspection, as well as other informational material.
(Ord. 46-1999. Passed 4-5-99.)
   (b)   In the event any property as described in subsection (a) hereof is sold at Sheriff’s sale or other court ordered auction or sale or any person obtains title to the property for consideration by any means, and no certificate of inspection has been issued for said property within one year prior to the date of such sale or transfer of title, the purchaser or transferee of said property shall apply to the Commissioner of Buildings for a certificate of inspection within thirty days after the time of transfer of title to the purchaser or transferee. The failure of the purchaser or transferee to obtain and/or file a deed with the County Recorder shall not excuse the purchaser or transferee from compliance with this chapter. The purchaser or transferee shall further comply with all of the obligations of a seller under this chapter including, without limitation, the duty to place funds in escrow for corrections of Class “A” violations.
(Ord. 84-2007. Passed 8-6-07.)