No person shall move any dwelling or other building without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Commissioner. The applicant for such permit shall set forth in his application the following:
   (a)   Name of the person, firm or corporation who will perform the work or have the contract therefor.
   (b)   Name of the owner of the structure to be moved.
   (c)   The streets or other public property on or along which the structure will be moved.
   (d)   The place from and the location to which the structure will be moved.
   (e)   Plot plan of the proposed lot location if within the City showing exact lot and building dimensions.
   (f)   The dates and the approximate time such operations are scheduled to take place.
   (g)   Total combined weight of the structure to be moved and the moving vehicle.
   (h)   Total height and weight of the structure in place on the moving vehicle.
   (i)   Such other information as may be required by the Building Commissioner.