As used in this chapter, the following terms are defined as follows:
(a) “Contractor” means any person, corporation, partnership or other business association, or any combination thereof who or which by oneself or itself, or by or through others constructs, alters, repairs, adds to, subtracts from, reconstructs or remodels any building, structure or appurtenance thereto, including paving work, or who or which undertakes or offers to undertake, or purports to have the capacity to undertake, or submits a bid or negotiates a contract, either written or oral, to do so. The term “contractor” includes subcontractors and also specialty contractors whose operations as such are the performance of construction work requiring special skill and whose principal contracting business involves the use of specialized building trades or crafts.
(b) “Plumbing installation” applies to all pipes which are or may be connected to a sewer or water system, to all plumbing methods, fixtures, equipment and devices, and to the repair, replacement, alteration, construction or addition to any drain, soil waste, water or vent pipe within the City unless exempted elsewhere in this chapter or in the Building Code.
(c) “Plumber” means any person who proceeds with or employs others for making any mechanical connection to a sewer or water pipe or system, or to repair, replace, alter, construct or add to any drain, soil waste, water or vent pipe in or about any building, structure or premises of any kind or class, used or to be used for any purpose whatsoever.
(d) “Sewer layer” means any person who proceeds with or employs others to install or lay sewers from the sewer main or property line to the building drain beginning five feet outside the building wall or foundation.
(e) “Electrician” means any person who proceeds with or employs others for the installation of, alteration of, or repairs to electric conductors, fittings, devices and fixtures for light, heat or power for any premises other than those under control of a public utility company.
(f) “HVAC contractor” means any person who proceeds with or employs others for the installation of, alteration of, or repairs to heating, air-conditioning or ventilation equipment for any premises.
(g) “Refrigeration contractor” means any person who proceeds with or employs others for the installation of, alteration of, or repairs to refrigeration equipment for any premises.
(Ord. 47-1994. Passed 5-16-94.)