(a)   In any case in which the owner of any structure or vacant lot in the City of Cleveland Heights has received a Notice of Violation(s) of any provision of Title Five, Housing Code, or Title Seven, Business Maintenance Code, of this Part Thirteen of the Codified Ordinances, whether pursuant to a point of sale, systematic, or complaint inspection, and such owner has not corrected all such violations issued in the Notice within eighteen months of the date of such Notice, the City may charge a fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) per inspection for each reinspection conducted by City inspectors after said eighteen months have expired to determine compliance with the original Notice. These reinspection fees shall be applicable to all properties in the City, whether residential, commercial or otherwise, excluding only single-family owner- occupied dwelling units. The fifty dollar ($50.00) reinspection fee shall not be applicable if the reinspection discloses total correction of all violations.
   (b)   The imposition of the reinspection fees provided for hereinabove shall be in addition to any other remedies and/or penalties provided by law or equity.
(Ord. 146-1998. Passed 11-2-98.)