The landscape regulations established by this section are intended to:
(a) Enhance the aesthetic appearance of developments throughout the City by providing standards related to the quality and functional aspects of landscaping.
(b) Increase compatibility between abutting land uses and, between land uses and public rights-of-way by providing landscape screening or buffers.
(c) Provide for the conservation of water through the efficient use of irrigation, appropriate mix of plant materials, recycling water elements, and regular maintenance of landscaped areas.
(d) Protect public health, safety and welfare by preserving and enhancing the positive visual experience of the built environment, providing appropriate transition between different land uses, and enhancing pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety.
(e) Reduce the urban heat island effect, enhance the local micro-climate and increase biodiversity.
(f) Reduce stormwater runoff from existing and new properties.
(Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)