(a)   Light Trespass and Distraction.
      (1)   No exterior lighting may glare into, or upon, the surrounding area or any residential premises. In addition, no exterior lighting may be used in any manner that could interfere with the safe movement of motor vehicles on public streets. The light level must be no greater than one-half (0.5) footcandle at a residential property line and one (1) footcandle at any non- residential property line or public right-of-way line.
      (2)   Specifically, the following types of light trespass are prohibited:
         A.   Any light not designed for roadway illumination that produces direct or reflected glare that could disturb the operator of a motor vehicle.
         B.   Any light that may be confused with, or construed as, a traffic control device, except as authorized by state, federal or local government.
   (b)   Unshielded Lighting. The use of unshielded lighting, including incandescent light bulbs hung or strung on poles, wires, or any other type of support, are prohibited, except on a temporary basis in areas where approved carnivals, fairs, approved outdoor dining or similar activities are held and only when such activities are taking place, or on a temporary basis for approved Shared Spaces.
   (c)   Light Pole and Building-Mounted Lighting Heights. The maximum height of light poles on private property, such as in off-street parking lots, is specified below. Maximum height is measured from grade at the base to the bottom of the luminaire. These standards do not apply to public right-of-way lighting.
      (1)   Non-Residential Uses.
         A.   Lights poles and building-mounted fixtures must be designed with fully shielded luminaires. Such poles or mounts are limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) feet in height.
         B.   Light poles for outdoor recreational facilities, including those that are part of an educational facility, are limited to a maximum of sixty (60) feet in height.
         C.   Lighting mounted on a non-residential structure is limited to a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet as measured from the first floor elevation.
      (2)   Residential Uses.
         A.   Light poles for single- and two-family dwellings, including any accessory structures or uses on site, are limited to a maximum of eight (8) feet in height.
         B.   Light poles for multiple family and townhouse dwellings, including any accessory structures or uses on site, are limited to a maximum of twelve (12) feet in height.
   C.   Under-soffit lighting for a residential dwelling may be mounted to a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet as measured from the first floor elevation.
            (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23; Ord. 127-2023. Passed 11-6-23.)