The following vehicle parking space maximums are applicable to all surface parking lots for multiple family, non-residential, and mixed-use development uses:
   (a)   Surface parking areas may not exceed one-hundred and twenty-five percent (125%) of the required minimum number of vehicle parking spaces. Parking spaces designated for car-share facilities are not counted toward the maximum number of parking spaces.
   (b)   For surface parking areas that require a minimum of thirty (30) or more spaces, when the minimum number of vehicle spaces required by Schedule 1161.03 is exceeded, the area used for additional spaces must be paved with a semi-pervious material, such as permeable pavers, porous asphalt, porous concrete, grass-crete or gravel-crete. The area designated for semi-pervious parking shall be located at the perimeter of the parking lot, and if possible, remote or furthest removed from the principal building.
   (c)   Existing surface parking areas that exceed the parking maximums must come into conformance with the maximum number of parking spaces when the following occurs:
      (1)   A new principal building is constructed on the site.
      (2)   Over fifty percent (50%) of the total area of an existing parking lot is rebuilt.
   (d)   When surface parking areas exceed the number of spaces permitted by this section and are required to come into conformance, the excess spaces must be converted into any combination of the following:
      (1)    The spaces are landscaped, as required by this Zoning Code.
      (2)   Subject to administrative review, existing excess spaces may be designated as car share spaces. If the excess spaces are to be used as car share spaces, the property owner must submit evidence of an arrangement with a car share program. If no longer used as car share spaces, those spaces must be converted into landscape, as required by this Zoning Code.
      (3)   Subject to administrative review, existing excess spaces may be converted to bicycle parking spaces. If no longer used as bicycle spaces, those spaces must be converted into landscape, as required by this Zoning Code.
         (Ord. 025-2023. Passed 6-5-23.)